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Mr Info

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Everything posted by Mr Info

  1. That CD was released over two years ago but it's good to see he's getting some recognition. He's concerts are a blast. Here's nutha band: Tea Leaf Green
  2. Michael Franti and Spearhead
  3. Unless you include his wife and daughters.
  4. IMO, the artist who originally posted this did not use a scientific method. Her experimental conclusions that McD food would result in this outcome without comparison to a control is just bad science. Interesting that she did not order any condiments which would have supplied moisture that would have contributed to mold, etc. forming. If you cooked a burger well-done on your gas grill, you would have the same results. Especially if you placed it in an airtight container after it dried out as she did. I am no supporter of the golden arches or any other fast food as I don't eat that stuff but there is plenty of other data to challenge the nutritional value of this type of food rather than this method. It appears to be achieving the result she anticipated and visuals are convincing but it's not due to chemicals or additives.
  5. That's a great solution to obtain more heat from an existing fireplace. Related FYI: If you are building a house or adding a fireplace, consider a Rumford fireplace. This design will result in less heat leaving the room than the more standard-type fireplaces. When we built our house, the old-time mason we hired recommended this design and was pleased that we chose it. A bit more difficult for him but he knew we'd like it better for heat and he was so right. We have one on the first floor and one on the second and it can raise the temp of that room and those adjoining it (doors open of course) considerably. Rumford's will burn efficiently with well-seasoned wood and the subsequent maintenance is fairly easy as all that is left to clean up is ashes.
  6. Six of us coming from Richmond. It looks great Rich, thans for putting it together - looking forward to it.
  7. My wife and I are flying up for this one but we are coming in Friday afternoon to also catch the Waters concert at HSBC. Though I am disappointed with the team performance (I was at last week's game against the Jets with some friends), I am not going to boycott as I bought my plane tix this summer for games I planned to attend. Tough year to be a fan but the tailgate and people make up for the junk on the field. I always see something different/unusual/odd at every game I attend. It's always fun and entertaining even if the team is awful.
  8. I like both of them and the Rays are #21 in 2010 baseball salary but the Twins are #11 and only $300k from inclusion in the top 10: 2010 Baseball salary rank. The Yanks and Red Sox are running away from everybody but the Twins may not qualify as 'little' any longer. The Yankees average $6M per player more than the Rays. Wow!!
  9. Rich, Six Bills fans will be making the road trip up there and looking forward to your tailgate! Let me know tailgate price and what I can bring and how we can help out. Tony
  10. Ehh...in central VA, from a practical standpoint, the local tolls across the James River are comparable to interstate tolls people are paying for work commute in upstate NY. There are thousands of people in the Richmond area that cross the bridges, use the downtown expressway, etc. every day and pay tolls. Yeah, no tolls on the interstate but I would rather there are tolls on that than the local tolls as I use the local roads more frequently. I don't live on the southside of Richmond but I hear the toll complaints from people that live there. In addition, VA will be placing a toll on the interstate between NC.
  11. I was very close to not renewing and decided to do it at the last minute. I have been able to scalp my tix to the Fins and Steelers games for OK $ but not near the demand as in previous years but, IMO, it is a reflection on the economy. But I will be attending the Lions and Jax games. Initially, I picked the Lions because I wanted to have a decent chance to see a win. But I used that same logic when I selected the Browns game last year.
  12. USAA Rules!
  13. I am having much more difficulty reselling my season tix for games I am not attending than in previous years. My impression is that it's a reflection of the economy. As you note, the Steelers game is going for around $70. That's still a $20 loss for me.
  14. Any of Fitzy's wife?
  15. I am a remote season ticket holder and have had a much tougher time selling the tix to a few games that I will not be able to attend. In previous seasons, these went much quicker for more $. I am not selling them for much more than ticket price and they are not moving...not even inquiries.
  16. Alex sold it about 10-12 yrs ago to a local contractor who subsequently sold it about 5 yrs ago to someone in Rochester. The food is good and has remained consistent through owner change.
  17. He would take 2nd place. Any Bills fan that had the privilege(?) to see Chad Pennington make like Barry Sanders and leave Eddie Robinson on the ground in the 2002 game will recall the slowest LB in Bills history. I look back at our 2001-2003 rosters and wonder when Cobb's team planted the ticket purchase idea in my mind?
  18. Rich, Our family will keep her in our prayers. Tony
  19. I suggest Ten Mile. It's a 2006 Petite Sirah, Zin, Barbera, and Carignane blend. You can get it for ~ $10-15 a bottle. Good red wine and not a lot a $. I bought a case.
  20. I called yesterday and told them that I thought the price was high and was thinking of cancelling. The initial person who took my call forwarded me to rentention and they made the offer of $180 and I accepted it. It took about 5 minutes to complete the deal. I'm happy.
  21. You could make the same claim for type 1 (not weight related) diabetes. Perhaps there is a relationship between the recent increases in a number of diseases/conditions. Theories on latent genetic traits being activated by an environmental trigger are hot areas of intrigue and research. Whether it's this or something else, I hope they can prove a causal relationship soon.
  22. If you look around, you can get a lower end Thorens for ~ $400. High-end model is $10k. They make great turntables and the low-end model makes puts the $200 models to shame. Pay a little more and you can get something pretty good.
  23. We have a project to take Viagra OTC. If that happens, most likely the European market would be first. When I discuss this with women, the first question is usually, "Why don't you make something for women?".
  24. Rick, This helped me troubleshoot mine and saved me some $: Lennox tech talk Depending on your model, you may require a blade puller. Other places send you the motor with the blade. Hope it's an inexpensive and quick fix.
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