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Mr Info

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Everything posted by Mr Info

  1. Went to the Richmond race about 5 years ago with a bunch of friends. Consider something for your ears. I was positioned near a turn and my face was full of black rubber spots after the race. One thing I remember - I had an extra ticket and sold it outside the track to some guy for $100. He sits down next to us with a whole bunch of beer but he was already blitzed. About a half-hour later, he's passed out and remained that until waking up about 5 mins. before the race ended. I saw the exact same thing at a Bills game about a month later. Have a good time. It's definitely memorable.
  2. People are out-of-their minds. While I watched that melee in the stands, I thought how long it took for security to get to those seats. I have season tix at the Ralph and have noticed that RWS security is on top of fights rather quickly. Maybe it's the section I am in but I feel security/cops are there at a moments notice for any disturbance. Actually, I feel quite comfortable in my section that security is nearby. They seem to be on top of situations before they escalate. However, this would not prevent what occurred at Candlestick in the restroom or the parking lot. Is the situation around the country so bad right now that people harbor that much animosity so situations like this occur? Do people think that phones/video won't be recording them? Does someone's t-shirt bother you enough to shoot them?
  3. I just got off the phone with them. I had stopped Sun Ticket (no autorenewal) at the end of last season because the possibility existed of no season. So, I did not have the leverage to cancel Sun Ticket and I already had the autopay discount. I had them look at my customer record of being a long-standing Directv & Sunday ticket customer. As you know, the regular price is 6 months for $53.99/mo. After some interaction/negotiating, this is the offer I accepted: $10 off Directv bill for 12 months, $10 off the HD receivers for 24 months, $25 off Sunday ticket/mo, + Sunday ticket To Go. Final tally: $120(12x$10)+$240(24x$10)+$150(6x$25) - $324(6x$54) = Sunday Ticket + $186 in rebates + To Go ($50). Outstanding... all around. IMO, the discounts are based on agent (I had a good one) and Directv subscription history. Hope others that have not renewed yet receive something similar.
  4. I was a bit disappointed with the finale...especially when it will be another 10 months until the next episode. But I dig the new tall, skinny aliens that were shown. With those arms, I want them on my fantasy basketball team. I am not too fond of Will Patton's Capt. Weaver.
  5. I asked a similar question a little while back - see replies.RV question on TBD
  6. It was mentioned that Wallenda would be the first in 150 years to cross the gorge on tightrope. The Great Blondin did it several times: Charles Blondin - wiki This he accomplished, first on 30 June 1859, a number of times, always with different theatric variations: blindfolded, in a sack, trundling a wheelbarrow, on stilts, carrying a man (his manager, Harry Colcord) on his back, sitting down midway while he cooked and ate an omelet and standing on a chair with only one chair leg on the rope. [3] Wiki reference 3 Holy **** - he made an omelette while he was crossing on tightrope!
  7. Pink Floyd: Young Lust Run Like Hell One of These Days(I'm going to cut you into little pieces)
  8. "...althought....to seceed from..." You should help Chan make sure those southern boys know their grammar and spelling.
  9. This might not be much help but he looked good on Norm MacDonald's Sports show doing the Sound of Music spoof:Merriman's Broadway debut
  10. The prices that are being discussed are for the internet streaming version rather/in addition to the satellite version.
  11. Thanks. Are you saying that the lot typically has spaces available on Sat?
  12. I am looking for some input on parking a camper at the RV lot for the Jets game next fall. Although I used to stumble through it when it was next to the stadium, I am unsure how obtaining a spot has changed. I notice in the RWS stadium guide that spots are open until filled - no reservations. Does it usually sell out? A friend of mine is considering taking his camper up on Sat. for the game but doesn't want to go and get stiffed on a spot. Thanks
  13. Belated HB to a guy!
  14. OK, going off thread but a similar thing happened to my wife and she decided to try the violin about 14 months ago. She prectices nearly every night and has improved greatly (thankfully). The violin (fiddle for my wife) is a difficult instrument. How's your wife doing with it?
  15. Write memos much? Actually, I do. Scientific papers as well. But I had just returned home after a long flight when I posted and just wanted to post a quick reply on the board before I crashed. I'll get my son to proofread for me the next time I am that tired.
  16. Nope...in Richmond VA. A former Wyeth (Consumer R&D) employee. Sr. Scientist also working with our Nutri and Animal Health business across Diversified Business segment. I know some of the folks in Groton -Steve Brown among them. Ironically, I interviewed in Groton when I graduated but took a position with Roche instead but now I interact with Groton quite a bit.

  17. I work for Pfizer, too. Fortunately, I am not concerned with losing my job at this time. I hope NG is safe as well. I disagree with your opinion on exorbitant pricing of prescription drugs. Especially after observing and participating in the extraordinary cost and effort involved in bringing a single drug to market. Though I acknowledge that pricing may be difficult to understand at first glance. However, the days of small molecule drugs for prescription pharmaceuticals are marked. Biotechnology will be the primary target for R&D development. These are engineered to produce less side effects and should realize longer exclusivity since it may be cost prohibitive to produce a generic version. OTOH, the target market may be smaller for engineered drugs. Pfizer has a strong vaccine portfolio and is diversified in Animal Health, Infant Nutrition, and Consumer Health. These and other ventures should help it weather periods of pipeline paucity (hey...I am going to remember to use that alliteration some other time). It may be beneficial if the govt starts their own drug development pipeline. Perhaps they will understand firsthand some of the frustrations pharma companies have in dealing with the FDA.
  18. That brought back memories of the late 70s (78/79?) seeing a Dead NY Eve's show at the SF Opera House. I dressed up as Santa Claus and had a bag full of roses I picked up at the end of the day for next-to-nothing from various flower vendors in the city. I handed them out to all the girls/women at the show and had a great time. Back to the topic at hand - We do something different every New Year's Eve as long as little or no driving is involved. Everything from parties to concerts to midnight bowling to skiing to benefits to ? This year a friend invited us to his restaurant for dinner in exchange for a bunch of my bootleg Pink Floyd DVDs and CDs. I would have given them to him anyway but it's just a reciprocation for other favors. Then we'll head over to the New Year's Eve Celebration in Carytown (Richmond, VA) where all the shops, restaurants, bars, etc. will be open until midnight or later. We've never done it so we'll give it a try. I hope everyone has an outstanding 2011!
  19. This year - I had an old Flutie jersey and my wife sneaked it out of my drawer and had it sent to Doug and he autographed the front of it over the #7 with a brief message to me. She knew somebody that has worked with Doug before and got it done through him. I know the person too but never considered asking him to have Doug sign it. Very cool and Doug was a good sport about it.
  20. Holy crap! Some other links from that page: - Mysterious creature found in Nelson County - Prosecutor: boyfriend pulled 3-year-old's teeth with pliers - Fort Wayne police say boy's body hidden for year - Man runs nearly naked through Shelbyville - Man charged with raping, impregnating child - Body found in stolen car ...and No.
  21. TMQ "Monday Night Football Analysis: The winning play for New Orleans on Monday night -- a bang slant to a tight end split wide right near the goal line -- was the same action the Saints employed to take the lead in the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl. The nifty variation was that the Saints lined up trips left then sent a man in motion left to make it quirk left, drawing attention to the overloaded side. (Trips comes from triple; TMQ maintains that four receivers on the same side should be called the quirk, for quad.) Buffalo tried the same play near the goal line on its opening drive Sunday against New England; Sean Payton might even have gotten the play from that game. But the Bills being the Bills, the pass to the lone guy clanged incomplete; the Saints being the Saints, the pass to the lone guy was the winning touchdown."
  22. They also left off the J Geils Band. I'm ok with Diamond, James, et al, from an historical perspective - (Robert Johnson, Louis Armstrong, and Elmore James are in for Early Influence) and there are some acts in there that only border on R&R. But R&R isn't always black and white. Certainly some of the jam bands (moe, Phish, Cornmeal, etc.) play some R&R - should any of them be excluded from the R&R HoF? Louis Armstrong is in - should Chick Corea or Stanley Clarke be excluded? Should there be a separate HoF for rap? Besides J Geils, some others, IMO, that deserve inclusion are Deep Purple, Donovan, Stevie Ray Vaughan, B-52s, Rush, Todd Rundgren, Moody Blues and Joe Cocker. At least based upon the merits of some existing members.
  23. As much as I would like to see the Bills due to the increased excitement level, I am too busy with work to travel for the Browns and Pats games. Any suggestions on who to donate these to and how to go about doing it? Thanks
  24. Good insight as always. And a big TBD thank you (and PS 86) for putting together the party at Sliders . We had a great time!!!
  25. Ok, they were lacking a song. It's good that every stadium is not the same but kudos to the Ravens fans in our section. No jerks at all and we had a good time speaking with them. Lots of noise and everyone standing at appropriate times in our section at the game. Some differences: Marching band before game and in end zone Cheerleader acrobatics The Ravens were way more animated (especially Reed and Lewis) before the game when they were introduced and interacted with the fans. Amazing how quickly we got back on 95 after the game. Outstanding highway access to/from the game.
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