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Mr Info

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Everything posted by Mr Info

  1. Inexpensive way to get around London. Rent a bike (2£/$3) for 24 hrs and then pay for use. However, there is no use fee if you drop it off at a station in less than 30 minutes after you pick it up. https://tfl.gov.uk/modes/cycling/santander-cycles They also have a phone app to inform you of station locations, how many bikes are available at a station, and spaces available to drop off a bike.
  2. I will happily drive when the Bills start winning again regularly at home. That's an especially long and depressing drive after a loss.
  3. You make a good point and I can be superstitious. So, I can invite you to a webex on Sun and you can focus your computer camera on the game and share it and we can watch it virtually while I am at the game.
  4. Paul - you'd always be welcome if we were driving though I would probably have to pick up a bunch of Iomazenil https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01590277 but this time we are flying. Flying to London for work after the game and looking forward to NFL party, Bills parties, & Jags game next weekend...can't wait.
  5. C'ville is a great place. Going to see a show at the Paramount in Dec. I live in Ashland (Center of the Universe) VA and am going to the game this weekend, too.
  6. There was a drawing of Uggs next to it
  7. Expediting through US Customs (5 min) & 100% TSA pre-check
  8. Great to hear you'll be able to make it. Hope to see you there. Today, I posted in the London Tailgate Forum that I learned I would be going, too. The company I work for has asked me to do some work at our sites in the UK for a couple of weeks during which the game is being played. Although I will be in Cambridge and Canterbury, I plan to stay at the London Marriott Regents Park during the game weekend. Someone besides Leroi post about any Bills fan gatherings on Sat & Sun in London. Thx
  9. I just found out that my company has asked me to go our sites near London when this game is being played. This is just f!cking outstanding. I will be in Canterbury but plan to stay at the London Marriot Regents Park on Fri-Sun for the game. Any location Sat night/Sun before game where Bills fans are meeting? Thanks
  10. I know this is too late for this weekend but investing in the global access card ($100/5 yrs) is something to consider. This always gets you TSA pre-check in the US for flights and can seriously cut down security wait time. When I fly back from BUF after a game, I can get there 30 mins before my flight and go right through. In addition, when you travel internationally, you fingerprint through customs, get prompted to answer a few questions at the same terminal, and you are done. It literally takes me 5 min through customs. Even if you only travel two times internationally within the five years, it is worth it imo if it saves 2-4 hours of your time. And, you also get TSA per-check.
  11. Play action, check down to Shady right side for 5 yds 18 first downs
  12. Pooj, Are you going to Lockn this weekend? A great lineup with all Dead members. Plus Robert Plant, Carlos Santana, Hot Tuna, and a reunion of sorts for Airplane, Doobie Incident (String Cheese Incident & Doobie Brothers), Mad Dogs & Englishmen (Joe Cocker celebration) with Leon Russell, Dave Mason, Rita Coolidge, Tedeschi Trucks), John Popper, Umphrey's McGee, Widespread Panic w Jimmy Cliff, & others. http://www.locknfestival.com/
  13. Thur & Fri are holidays here in China with '70' banners up in lots of places. It is a one time holiday called Victory Day but probably pertains more to the Japanese. Everyone glued to their televisions at 10 tomorrow for 70 min broadcast & marches in Beijing.
  14. 12 hr ahead of east coast. Going to watch a til about halftime & then back to sleep.
  15. Game Pass working great in Shanghai!
  16. I am working in our Copenhagen location for a short time and the colleagues there told me that their neighboring Swedes recently changed the name of birds (i.e., blackbird) out of fear of racism. Sure enough, I googled it and PC run amuck: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/02/24/out-of-fear-of-racism-sweden-changes-the-names-of-bird-species/
  17. Paul, Something like this? http://www.crutchfield.com/S-ZrSQCeDv5iW/p_119FMCH300/Monster-iCarPlay-Wireless-300.html Tony
  18. Hi all, My wife and I were going to go but cannot do it now. Before posting on third party sites, I thought we would give some TBD members a chance at them for cost. The two seats with TM charges are $344. They are great seats in Sec 108, row 11, seats 22&23. We can transfer them through TM. Let me know. Will post on 3rd party on Monday if no interest.
  19. Rick's obit http://www.richmond.com/obituaries/article_51da596f-241c-5d14-9ae6-223de76cacf3.html SCHIBETTA, Richard Carmen, August 10, 1972 to June 28, 2015. After a courageous battle with cancer, Rick passed away peacefully on Sunday, June 28, 2015. Rick was 42. Husband, father, son and brother, he is survived by his beloved wife, Brenda; and his two precious sons, Zachary and Owen of Richmond, Va. Also surviving are his father and mother, Charles J. and Sylvia of Fredonia, N.Y.; siblings, William and Debra and family of Baytown, Texas; Charles R. and Robin and family of Tecumseh, Mo.; Michael of Scottsdale, Ariz.; Thomas of Fredonia, N.Y.; John and Alicia and family of Fredonia, N.Y.; and sister, Gina and John Kaczmarek of Ballston Spa, N.Y. As well as his father and mother-in-law, Curtis and Chiyono Shaw of Franklinville, N.J.; sister-in- law, Diana and Scott Kelly and family of Glassboro, N.J.; and brother-in-law, Steven Shaw of Greenville, N.C. Also, his cousin, Michael and Betty Ray of Orchard Park, N.Y.; and John Ray and family of Scottsdale, Ariz., who were raised with the family. Rick had many nieces and nephews. Rick loved to play guitar and spend time with his family. He was employed at Altria in Richmond. The family will receive friends from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, July 2, 2015, at the West Chapel of Bennett Funeral Home, 11020 W. Broad St., where services will begin in the Bennett Chapel at 7 p.m. In lieu of flowers, can be made to the Rick Schibetta Memorial Fund at any Wells Fargo Bank.
  20. Rick's wife Brenda just called me a few minutes ago and Rick just passed. Here's to a great guy!!! It was a privilege to know him. His wife & their two young boys will appreciate anyone's help more than ever. I will post info on services when I find out.
  21. In case you need pickups, here's a friend that makes them: http://www.fralinpickups.com
  22. My analysis of your statements is that ST is less expensive than going out to a bar but that contradicts your first statement about overall cost. It appears that you do not want ST under any circumstances so that you can get out once and a while to see bikini clad bartenders. But maybe I misinterpreted your statements..
  23. Went to see Rick at VCU Med Ctr today and was unable to see him as he was sedated. However, his wife, Brenda, and his family from Buffalo and elswhere in the US were outside in the Critical Care visiting room. Just before my arrival, Brenda received a call from MD Anderson Cancer Center that they will arrange with VCU for air transport for Rick as long as the ventilator is removed and kindey issues resolved. They (MD Anderson and VCU) believe the ventilator is necessary due to increased fluid in lungs and they have drained it and are using a diuretic to address this. They believe the kidney issues are related to a contrast dye that was used and will be using dialysis to help them recover. They have already started showing signs of recovery. I was expecting a far different scenario than what I encountered but it was great to see. Keep the good thoughts coming. Btw - article in the BN on Friday, June 12 about OmniSeq at Roswell. Very interesting and might be benefical for anyone with lung cancer tumor though it may be applicable to other cancers as well. http://www.buffalonews.com/city-region/medical/roswell-park-looks-to-spinoff-company-to-help-revolutionize-cancer-care-20150612
  24. I am sorry to relay this but say your prayers. Rick made it to Johns Hopkins but they did not have anything for him. He is unable to make it to Penn State or Roswell as he experienced difficulty breathing and is now on a ventilator at VCU and his kidneys are failing....
  25. I am returning to WNY the weekend of July 11 for a HS reunion and was curious if anyone on here will/has participate(d) in the Tour de Perry. I plan to register for the 53 miler around Letchworth Park (the Grand Canyon of the East) which has a 3000' overall climb. There is also a 17 miler around the lake. If you have done this or are familar with the route, let me know your perspective on the climbs. Not many hills in central VA where I live so I will not have as much practice on climbs as I would like. http://www.tourdeperry.com
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