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Mr Info

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Everything posted by Mr Info

  1. I do not want to get into a tangent since this is about the unfortunate reoccurence to Mr. Kelly & the best for him & his family to beat this. But...if your statement is about Pharma R&D effort to cure or treat cancer then it is not true. If your statement is regarding health insurance coverage for cancer treatment then you may have a fair assessment.
  2. Process, Sorry late with this but will reiterate what others have said about staying positive...especially beneficial to the person with the disease/condition. Best hopes for her, you, your family and her friends.. What I will recommend is for all diagnosed cancer patients and is based on the scientific R&D work that I do as well as the experiences from trying to treat the endometrial cancer that took my wife's sister about a year ago. If a cancer is identified, one option is to use a company that matches genetic profiling and/or tissue testing with known therapies (e.g., FDA approved therapies as well as those in clinical trials) to determine best treatment options. For example, a tumor sample is collected and sent to the company for analysis and therapy match. One of these companies is Foundation Medicine https://www.foundationmedicine.com/genomic-testing and another is Guardant Health http://www.guardanthealth.com/. But these can be expensive options and typically not covered by health insurance. But here are just a small sample of success stories including one whose cancer was stage 4: http://www.dontguesstest.org/patient-stories/ My sister-in-law had the FM test performed and it was around $5k. She was not a success story but she was late in opting for the test and her cancer cells had many mutations which could not be well-addressed by even a combination of therapies. As a general rule, the earlier the diagnosis and testing, the more likely to limit cancer cell mutation. Otoh, instead or paying for the services above, you can also use the Clinical Studies DB to filter out possible therapies and discuss with the physician. This is where no existing treatments are available or have limited success. Here is an example of a search for Colon Cancer, Women, Stage 4, Interventional, Recruiting, Over 66, NY (26 hits): https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?term=Stage+4&recrs=a&type=Intr&cond=Colon+Cancer&cntry=US&map_cntry=US&map_state=US%3ANY&gndr=Female&age=2 I believe the services offered by FM and similar are remarkable. You are using their AI to match testing results with treatments and results achieved. their DB is continually updated through their partners. Working in innovative treatments, I would like to mention a couple that are available or will be soon. These are really groundbreaking but may not be publicized that much. But this provides just a small perspective of new technology. Also, it appears our FDA is becoming more risk tolerant in fast-tracking therapies or devices for which there is limited or no treatment. 1.) A closed loop 'artificial' pancreas for type 1 diabetics. This combines a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) with an insulin pump and a learning algorithm to start/stop insulin. There is one company that has an FDA approved therapy but there should be 2-3 more companies in the next two years. These devices will just continue to shrink, algorithms will improve, and additional functionality (smart phone interaction, etc.). 2.) An artificial kidney is under development. This would be implantable but would not require immunosuppressants. Clinical trials are expected to start this year. More info here: https://pharm.ucsf.edu/kidney
  3. Thx Rico and T&C Based on the band members, I am going to try and catch Todd/Utopia...maybe at the Warner Theater in DC. My favorite has always been AWATS (A Wizard, a True Star). Shuckett is in Utopia this tour and he played on that album. Would like to hear some songs but they may be difficult to reproduce in concert. Rundren said the sound in AWATS was from his experimentation with psychedelic drugs and said that he "became more aware ... [o]f what music and sound were like in my internal environment, and how different that was from the music I had been making." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Wizard,_a_True_Star
  4. Hey all - I am posting this to see which music fests/shows/concerts people are planning to see in 2018. I will start and add tour site locations or fest info links. I am in central VA so most of these shows or fests are relatively nearby but expect these acts to land near wherever you are located. Perhaps others may be interested who's out there to see & hear so add your shows, etc. Pink Talking Fish http://www.pinktalkingfish.com/tour.html Pink Floyd, Talking Heads and Phish as the name indicates. Saw them last month (Jan) and they were fun. They did a mash-up of Wish You Were Here & Space Oddity so they integrate other material. In Buf on March 8. Jorma Kaukonen http://jormakaukonen.com/tour.html Lead guitar for Jefferson Airplane, Hot Tuna, and solo work. I have seen him many times but he is 77 and may not be out much longer. Always wanted to go to a show at his Fur Peace Ranch in southern Ohio but shows are always sold out before I can obtain tix. Railroad Earth http://railroad.earth/tour Bluegrass/Rock n Roll jamband Commander Cody https://www.commandercody.com/the-gigs Famous for Hot Rod Lincoln and Lost in the Ozone Igor and the Red Elvises http://www.redelvises.com/schedule/ Siberian Surf Rock FloydFest http://floydfest.com/ SW part of VA & not far from Blacksburg. Family friendly music fest. July 25-29 2018 with Gov't Mule, Old Crow Medicine Show, Leftover Salmon, Infamous Stringdusters, and lots of other less upcoming acts that are usually damn good. Lockn' - http://www.locknfestival.com/ Located south of Charlottesville, Aug 23-26 2018. This year it's primarily a Dead Fest with Dead & Company (2 nights), Tedeschi Trucks, Sheryl Crow, Umphreys McGee, Widespread Panic.
  5. The article you linked did not provide the name(s) of those in the LBO and why they were doing it.
  6. http://www.topsmarkets.com/AboutUs/
  7. I was in grade school in Batavia & two classmate’s fathers were killed during the riot. Extremely tough time for them & their families & difficult time for kids at the school.
  8. Outstanding...word of the day!
  9. Eastwood's 87 but it appears he still has complete creative autonomy over his movies.
  10. I understand that Atena could have a good process in place for nurses and other staff to make approval decisions and then have the insurance medical director contact a nurse for clarification. But an insurance medical director to have never looked at a single patient's record to approve/deny care is stunning. I was interested in what this topic would be about since Aetna was the title. On a tangential topic, can health insurance corps like Aetna feel threatened by the non-profit health insurance being established by Amazon, JP Morgan Chase, and Berkshire Hathaway representing 1.1M workers? https://www.forbes.com/sites/johannabennett/2018/01/30/be-afraid-healthcare-feels-the-amazon-effect/#72f3ebbe2d31
  11. Well...then you can go to lots of places.
  12. I have seen some but not all of these movies yet so need tp complete that first before giving an opinion. Thanks to those that provided recommendations on other movies like Wind River & Disaster Artist. The only comment I can make after looking through all the nominees Mark listed is ‘Holy Sh!t...Kobe Bryant is nominated for an Academy Award?’
  13. Also enjoy this one where Stephane Grappelli joined them in studio as they were recording WYWH. Grappelli and Yehudi Menuhin were recording in another studio at Abbey Road near Pink Floyd. The track was thought to be lost. https://youtu.be/Bm4sDyCW0k8
  14. Enjoy this board for its creativity and here's a good pic for it. Some background: Taken backstage at the Knebworth Fair Festival in 1976. Stones headlined but most likely they are watching Skynyrd. Linda has a butt but Gilmour may have a doobie. Pink Floyd headlined this fest the year prior. Macca is breaking protocol not wearing your own band's shirt as that appears to be a Wings shirt. Gilmour has a Cowboys shirt and that # should be for Hollywood Henderson. HH had two of my favorite quips: 1.) Before Super Bowl 13 between Cowboys and Steelers, HH said of Bradshaw "couldn't spell cat if you spotted him the 'c' and 'a'". 2.) Thomas (no longer Hollywood) Henderson won the $28M Texas Lotto in 2000. The Dallas Morning News asked HH what he does every day after winning the lottery. Henderson replied "Not a damn thing, and I don't start that until after lunch."
  15. I will toss in a heated apparal recommendation since this is a ski thread. An Austrian company, Lenz https://www.lenzproducts.com/en/technology#heat makes outstanding heated socks & gloves. These implement new technology & features and are well made. No more bulky socks with wires & D batteries or heated foot pads. They are expensive & difficult to find (lot of suppliers on Amazon are sold out) but imo worth it.
  16. CNTX-4975 (Centexion) received fast track approval by the FDA just a few days ago for osteoarthritis knee pain. This is a non-opioid pain reliever but not a kappa agonist. Centexion Therapeutics is focused on non-opioid pain relief and have a number of these type of compounds/treatments in their pipeline http://centrexion.com/our-pipeline/. Their CEO is Jeff Kindler...but have some good scientific research leaders. I do not work for Centexion. The good news is safe and effective non-opioid pain-relief solutions are coming to market. Perhaps some relief can be provided to the tragic opioid crisis.
  17. I am not denying this does not exist but does not appear to be the underlying cause in this case from the family’s public message. He was in extreme pain & prescription patches to address that pain are appropriate. However, the accidental overdose may have occurred when he believed his dosage was not relieving his pain & chose to add more patches to achieve that relief. Non-opioid pain relievers would be a welcome product & hope our pharma companies can deliver that asap. This is a high priority at several big pharma & smaller biotechs & expect submissions would be fast tracked by the FDA due to a gap in effective & safe non-opioid pain relievers. Full transparency...I work in pharma R&D.
  18. The Deer Hunter Cape Fear lesser roles: Jackie Brown The Mission cameo: Brazil
  19. Augie/Kevin - Prayers & thoughts for you, Michael, and your family.
  20. http://buffalonews.com/2018/01/02/eastbound-lanes-of-i-90-near-depew-closed-due-to-crash/ 25-75 vehicles involved in crash...wow!
  21. I just did it and sent the link to others. It seems like a good cause and nice that something Bills-related made me aware of it.
  22. It ended Dec 20...close enough
  23. Sure, Hanukkah bonus!
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