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Mr Info

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Everything posted by Mr Info

  1. Cowherd’s 2018 NFL Division Predictions https://www.google.com/amp/s/foxsportsradio.iheart.com/alternate/amp/2018-07-17-colin-cowherds-2018-nfl-season-predictions/ Solid except for Falcons & Packers. All the others were in the playoffs & Steelers were a tie away. AFC North Steelers AFC East Pats* AFC South Texans AFC West Chargers NFC North Packers NFC East Eagles NFC South Falcons NFC West Rams
  2. Too bad but I always see Ted Logan whenever I watch a Keanu Reeves movie.
  3. KD is playing amazing playoff ball. Whatever team gets him next year becomes a favorite. Draymond dropped some weight for the playoffs & has elevated his game as well. Triple Ds nearly every game. Yeah, I am a Warriors fan but have been since Barry, Thurmond, Wilkes, etc. I endured a lot of down years.
  4. Congrats but that salary still seems barely enough to live near DC.
  5. All that mascara says: “Keep your eyes up here, fellas”
  6. I will be there with Monique. We are flying in Thurs night & departing Mon. Staying at a nice solo apartment Airbnb close to Vandy
  7. Info for others for game weekend 10/5-7. I found a nice Airbnb private apt for 2 near Vandy for game weekend at $199/nite.
  8. It seems prudent to investigate past transgressions when related to public presentation of said person’s music, art, etc. Kate knew the lyrics to that song were racist. Perhaps if she were around she might apologize or mention that her manager/producer strongarmed her to sing it or she would lose her contract or something similar. If it offends people, then remove it. Some people now feel emboldened to mention a perceived offense where they may have remained silent years ago. It is the world we currently live in and I do not feel it is that hard to understand or comply with. It appears that a lot of people generally object to change. Smith’s GBA started at NYY 7th inning stretches after 9/11 so it has not been a tradition that long. Can another ‘tradition’ begin or just do something different...maybe more fun or ‘basebally’ during every 7th inning stretch? Just because GBA stops at NYY 7th inning stretches does not mean we forget 9/11.
  9. We are in Ashland. RIC has direct flights to BNA (Nashville) which is great but only on Fri & Mon but that is perfect for the game. In Fburg you are closer to DC airports but direct flights to BNA look pricier than the discount carrier, Allegiant, in RIC. We usually fly to Bills games in BUF through IAD because there is a 7:45 pm flight on Sun which leaves plenty of time to get to the airport after a game.
  10. I just booked flights on Allegiant direct from Richmond to Nashville for the game & Music City fun. Flying in Fri & back on Mon. I just saw that flights from DCA - Cleveland are less expensive than my flight to Nashville so I might do that game as well. I live north of Richmond so DCA is not far.
  11. My disbelief is the TNF game is shown as it could be flexed. Perhaps every week >= 6 is shown as flexed regardless if a particular game (TNF) cannot be flexed. I would hope that the NFL schedule makers would be capable enough not to place an * on TNF as a flex game.
  12. This guy seems to think the schedule may come out post-draft due to Raiders delay on stadium decision. See #10 in the article. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/2019-nfl-schedule-release-primer-here-are-some-things-we-already-know-about-this-years-slate-of-games/amp/
  13. He seems quite happy in that mug shot...perhaps because they gave him some clothes.
  14. The Looking for reviews as I may invite others to an upcoming show. Thanks ahead for feedback.
  15. When you get old like me, you start to appreciate the easier way to do things.
  16. Hey, I resemble that! I have aisle seats in lower bowl 113 (visitors) for quite awhile & am reluctant to move for 2 reasons 1) aisle seats 2.) sun: God created sunglasses & caps for the warmer weather. I like any sun that is available for the colder games.
  17. Jay, PM me. I am not traveling up for rhe draft so will not be using mine.
  18. Thanks for posting this but perhaps that puts final schedule determination into perspective. They were lining it up a few weeks ago when you found it available but finalized it a week ago and then the NFL made their reservations. It seems plausible from a timing perspective.
  19. Jamie - thanks for doing that investigation & posting...appears more than possible.
  20. So did Peterman but he just did not have ‘it’. Hopefully, Zay continues to improve. But if he drops a couple of passes in preseason games, he will not be on the Bills roster. There may be some foreboding if the Bills draft a WR in the early rounds.
  21. Honor Blackman aka Pu$$y Galore. A name for a female character that will never be topped.
  22. First, I hope Mrs. Stafford recovers. Second, regarding the Sebi diet...he is not a physician and the following should give one pause prior to considering it. Sebi claims that his diet works because it's not germs that cause illness and infection, but a buildup of mucus that can only be rectified by his advised alkaline plan. There is no research to support the idea that mucus cleansing cures disease, and Sebi, who has not been medically trained, does not offer any clinical test results, only anecdotal evidence.
  23. The NFL has elected to have divisional games in week 16&17 for the past 10 years so that will probably continue & have some impact on our opener. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.12up.com/posts/6036978-nfl-continuing-tradition-of-week-17-divisional-matchups
  24. Sudafed formulations with Pseudoepedrine rather than Phenylephrine? The science on echinacea is solid...It is no better than a placebo. It is safe but spending $ on something with no benefit. Here is one study by the NIH: https://nccih.nih.gov/research/results/spotlight/122010. Here is another study. What is inteteresting is that subjects that believed in echinacea and surmised they were taking it recovered from the cold faster even if they did not receive it (double blind study). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/21747102/ It is the placebo effect.
  25. I prayed. How’d you make out?
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