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Mr Info

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Everything posted by Mr Info

  1. In his twitter feed, he asked Beane about the red helmets. Speaking of Kelly, I asked Beane when we'll see the red helmets full-time again. “Well, we’ve got to win some more games first,” he said. ‘“We’ve got to prove ourselves.” I also asked if we might see a some K-Gun in ‘19: “You never know, we’ll see,” he said with a laugh.
  2. Right now, 10-11 is 58.54% and 12+ is 4.88 which equal 63.42. I said nearly 2/3 of votes for >10 wins. I would have been more accurate to state that nearly 2/3 (66.67) of votes are for >= 10 wins. 9 wins or less are currently supported by 30.08+5.69+.81=36.58 which is less than 50%. The percentages have remained fairly consistent during the poll.
  3. Nearly 2/3 of votes for >10 wins...makes sense for a Bills board.
  4. Yeah, me too. I like parties but this one is not worth that much.
  5. @Guffalo - sent you my payment thru Venmo but you probably already know this. I do not have the Venmo app, just used the web interface & easy to find guff email.
  6. Texans have 2nd most cap space available. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/cap/
  7. Congrats, Scott That is critically important work.
  8. Thx, that should deter the PI challenge. The refs could call a penalty in every play & that seemed to happen quite a bit last night. This makes the game unwatchable and I hope they apply some discretion in the regular season.
  9. Thx for the nice review. The league needs to change the PI call now. The penalty for an incorrect PI challenge needs to be more severe or there will be more of these delays. Why not challenge is the perspective of coaches.
  10. My DTV discounts end Aug 26 so calling then. Got the email yesterday from NFL Membership Club for being a season ticket holder with NFL Redzone, DTV, and Tunein discounts among others. The DTV Sunday Ticket Max is $100 for existing customers. If I am unable to swing a better deal when I call DTV on Mon then I will resort to that deal.
  11. Mahomes stat line Sat vs Steelers 2-5 11 yd 47.9 QBR
  12. I called a couple of days ago because I received a notice that credits were expiring. Talked to 1st level rep & made sure auto renew was not on for Sunday Ticket. She told me my credits expire ($60/month) on Aug 26 so call back then. Those credits were what I negotiated last year for ST Max. Will see what I can negotiate on 8/26. Btw, long time Directv/ST and AT&T customer and expecting same discounts.
  13. Perhaps culture was a thing in MLB in the 90s but not anymore, MLB is all $....7 of the top 8 teams in 2019 MLB payroll are either in 1st place or a wild card spot. https://www.spotrac.com/mlb/payroll/ In the NFL, with a salary cap, perhaps there can be a differentiator. Be that coaching, GM/management, culture or some combination of these that pushes a team beyond the others. The Pats* have seemed to make superior personnel decisions and expert coaching besides the goat at qb to exceed all odds and surpass all others in a parity driven league. Hopefully, the Bills culture philosophy along with good coaching & personnel decisions will be the next model of success in a parity driven league.
  14. My grandmother used that expression and probably have not heard it in 25 years.
  15. I am a bit surprised that ticket sales are down. It seems like a good buyer’s time as the team appears to be laying the groundwork to start heading upward. Perhaps people need to see the winning before investing and that’s understandable. But, equating it to the stock market, when you see a new CEO with a vision appointed to a company, you invest in their stock instead of waiting for the stock to start rising. Sure, there is some risk, but you want to maximize (better seats) your opportunity while you can before demand rises. I picked up 2 more ST seats this year. I believe the Bills stock has a good potential to increase in the next 1-2 years and so will my ticket resale value.
  16. I will never go to another Jets game at the Meadowlands. Ahole Jets fans bothering mellow Bills fans. Maybe Giants fans are better so can’t say for sure whether I would attend another Bills game at the Meadowlands.
  17. Imo, this is a definitive version w the original band performing FB in 75 on UK show Old Grey Whistle Test. Btw, OGWT has a bunch of good performances by great artists just starting out.
  18. None...the team appears to be all in on The Process after watching Bills Embedded Season 2.
  19. We’re going there but that will be his 1st game back from suspension.
  20. It appears she may be sick https://apple.news/AFk7PnIYoTaOldGxWt07rFA
  21. It’s unfortunate Andrew Siciliano is so odd looking or he might be on the short list for a top sports anchor.
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