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Mr Info

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Everything posted by Mr Info

  1. This^^^^ although I am not quite there yet. I have already made plans to fly in for every remaining home game this year. I still remain optimistic for the team & hope they can address their issues. But I will have a great time in Buffalo visiting family and friends, regardless.
  2. This isn’t in Buffalo but nearby & when the weather is good, outdoor seating overlooks the Niagara River. Very close to the Peace Bridge. ‘He’s Not Here’ in Fort Erie. Good name for a bar.
  3. St Mary’s College
  4. I will make an assumption that 20-30% represents what has been on the market for a while for this game. Skins fans no longer travel much to follow their team but I will make another assumption that half these seats will be sold and the sellers (supposed Bills fans) show up when they cannot sell them. The result is a 85-90% crowd supporting the Bills. Seems good from what I have seen at other stadiums (re:Titans) in person or broadcast this year.
  5. There are some seriously expensive truck rentals in that video.
  6. Two related things: 1.) People who pull out a checkbook to pay for something at a retail store. 2.) People who wait to see the total before pulling out their wallet/purse to pay for it when checking out in a store. You are not getting anything for free...be prepared to pay for it.
  7. Looks like Mosely will play for first time since he was injured vs Bills. That is big for them vs Pats* https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/jets/ny-cj-mosley-injury-return-patriots-tom-brady-20191018-icbnwzqjt5fp7krmhu3wae7ume-story.html%3foutputType=amp
  8. My wife had some business dealings with him at Pilot. Her reports were not good there either.
  9. Evan Boehm but, considering what the Fins are doing, Fowler was a possibilty.
  10. Holy Sh!t! He’s 40 years old.
  11. Longtime season ticket holder and may have to travel at last minute for work so seeing if anybody would want to get these for very reasonable price. Sec 113 row 11 aisle seats 1-2 (35-40 yl) I have had these seats a fairly long time. PM me if interested.
  12. For stadiums to be built in the next 3-5 years, the changes with autonomous vehicles might be considered. The need for significant parking lots/spaces could become a thing of the past. Younger people may choose to not own a car that remains unused 90% of the time. No car payments, no insurance, etc. Here is an article discussing this from a DC perspective but there are others similar to this. Just something else that might be deliberated when building a stadium. https://ggwash.org/view/40474/self-driving-cars-could-change-a-lot-about-tailgating
  13. I was particularly loud in those chants as I knew of his backstory. Continuing to work hard on the PS till he got the call is the type of dedication that can be embraced by the Bills faithful. He is a special talent & great size for a WR...I am anticipating a lot more with his new found focus.
  14. Allows time to do other things. Richmond Folk Fest is this weekend but is not aptly named as there is all types of music.
  15. Recommendations: Christiania but go by the water behind it. Morganstedet is one of my fave restaurants there. Also, check out Torvehallerne.
  16. The Tennessean estimated 25k. Some great tweets in the story. https://www.tennessean.com/story/sports/nfl/titans/2019/10/06/bills-fans-in-nashville-nissan-stadium-titans-game/3891312002/
  17. Taking my soon-to-be 86 yr old father today to his first game at Rich/Ralph/New Era. I got club seats this year so I could take him as it would be more difficult wout clubs. Hope he can see a win.
  18. Buffalo Fan is going to become similar to Florida Man.
  19. Not necessarily...https://www.byrdie.com/long-term-effects-of-botox My wife and I do not use botox but understand why people would choose to use it. There are some misunderstandings about it. It is somewhat interesting from what it is derived and its initial clinical use. http://classifieds.usatoday.com/blog/services/much-botox-cost-first-time-questions/
  20. An update on this NFL offer for Directv existing customers for Sunday Ticket Max for $100 that went to season ticket holders via email. I went to the link in the email for this offer and filled it out and submitted it. I received a confirmation email that it would take 5 days. Well...my access was never updated. Called DTV today and told them about the email and wanted them to match it since it is 5 business days to process & season starts tomorrow. I said I would forward the email but they told me to show it at ATT store. That is where I am now as I knew I would be passing by one this afternoon. It took a bit of contact between the store & Directv but I got the discount. No calls next year. Just take my NFL email for partner discounts to an ATT store & get it honored.
  21. We are talking about an email we received as season ticket holders for Sunday Ticket Max for $100 for existing DTV customers. I had not auto-renewed so it was not on my bill and it appears the discount worked for me.
  22. I just checked the 700s on DTV and Bills-Jets on 708 and set it to record so it must have gone through!
  23. I did this too but only received the email acknowledgment that “it will take take 5 business days to process”. I figure that should be Wed or Thurs this week.
  24. Nope, my statement was >10 wins so that included the 12+ as well.
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