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Mr Info

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Everything posted by Mr Info

  1. “Drawn and Recorded” animated series on HBO about music myths. Narrated by T Bone Burnett.
  2. Netflix has confirmed Season 3 for early 2021. The two leads in Season 2 will be returning. The first 2 seasons were based on books by Caroline Kepnes. She is nearly finished with a 3rd book in the series but unsure if the producers will wait for it.
  3. What I said does not spoil anything. I tried to be careful. The two statements I made are unrelated. One was my opinion on the last episode and the other was regarding my impression of a character’s overpresence. Others may think differently.
  4. I liked S2 but not nearly as much as S1. I could not predict the ending but thought there was some shark jumping in the last episode. Imo, a bit too much of Ellie.
  5. I live in central VA and a long-time season ticket holder but this is the first year that I went to every home game. I am an old guy but thoroughly enjoy going to the games. I also have Sunday Ticket so I can view the away games. Watching at home on the big screen is nice but being there in person is always better imo. It is not just the game but the people & antics experienced inside & outside the stadium as well as the other experiences enjoyed in Buffalo while there for the weekend like restaurants, shows, concerts, etc. i also still have family in the area so visit with them as part of a Bills game weekend. I have 4 tix so take my wife and/or grown sons with me to the games. My sons were born in VA but are die-hard Bills fans. i may be in the minority but plan to attend every game next year as well.
  6. A short walk from our house to a nearby restaurant, The Iron Horse https://www.ironhorserestaurant.com which will also have a Dead cover band tonight. Quite happy we do not have to drive anywhere & can walk home.
  7. This is what I have seen for Raiders to make playoffs & Browns game has no impact: Raiders beat Broncos Texans beat Titans Ravens beat Steelers Colts beat Jags
  8. The lower part of this with Browns-Bengals is not true. Raiders in if the following occur in week 17: Raiders beat Broncos Texans beat Titans Ravens beat Steelers Colts beat Jags
  9. Rarely is there an opportunity presented to bring Pink Floyd into a Bills discussion. ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ is played at the beginning & end of Fearless. The Floyd were fans of the Liverpool FC (Football Club).
  10. Slightly off topic but props to the NFL for maintaining an equal salary cap to prevent teams from potentially buying their way to the playoffs.
  11. Sure, south SF. The Dead were Frisco band.
  12. ‘eeer [sic] his hemorrhoids’...is his head up his a$$?
  13. By ‘casual‘ I was referring to season ticket holders who have been beaten down by Bills crappy records over the last 20 yrs and are no longer as committed late in the season. But even so, I thought the LJ highlights would be compelling enough to attend this game. Most season ticket holders I know use NFL Ticket Exchange to resell their tix.
  14. I am a long-time season ticket holder with 4 tix living in central VA. Typically, business travel limits my ability to attend all games. However, fortunately this year I worked biz travel around so that I will be able to fly in for all home games (& 1 away game). I understand that Dec holiday events might limit some fans but a bit surprised that even the casual season ticket holder would not want to see LJ play live.
  15. That gave me an idea for Bills-Cowboys clapping drinking game but everyone might be knocked out by the end of the 1st quarter.
  16. Flew up with my wife on Sat for the Broncos game. Left on a flight back to our place in VA after the game tonight with my parents who are both on their 80s. Thankfully, they are both doing ok but air travel is a little much so accompany them when flight travel is necessary. We are hosting Thanksgiving this year so they will be staying a week with us for the festivities. A bunch of our extended family is traveling from about 5 different states to our place for Thanksgiving. All are not Bills fans but since we are hosting this year, dinner will start at 2 so we can watch the game...dessert at halftime.
  17. I am an old guy but have always worked at a large global firm...still do & interact with people usually younger than me. Sometimes projects require all access. People email at all hours due to time differences but I have a policy not to be notified of emails. However, if project situations require immediate access then they have my mobile # and can text or use something like Whatsapp. Everyone is professional and they only get hit me up when necessary. A couple of things...I have never had a ringer on my phone...vibrate only. If I am at physical meetings then do not have to be concerned about turning it off. I have not yet had to turn on dnd. I guess I am lucky and/or I sleep well.
  18. I should clarify...those were in the lower bowl. Still shocking to me the demand to see Billy Joe in a stadium show. I would pay good $ to see him in a large club or arena but not a stadium.
  19. Roughly $160/ticket for cheap seats for a Billy Joel stadium show. Late boomers have lotsa bucks or there is a paucity of entertainment options in WNY...or both.
  20. Thx for volunteering but artificial spleens are available. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2014/09/artificial-spleen-could-help-treat-sepsis
  21. We have one but no traditional phone connected to it. Have for two reasons: 1.) security system uses it 2.) Wife uses it (very infrequently) for faxes for her biz.
  22. Do you get all your stuff like that thru the AARP site?
  23. We are purchasing something from the registry...no cash or checks. If the couple has not planned a registry then not going to the wedding as that probably will not be well organized either.
  24. C’mon Bills D, let’s make that end this week.
  25. That was 4 years ago
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