For any of you who use the PC version and are having trouble attaining "realism" (relative term , I know), or didn't realize that the game is fully customizeable to fit your personal needs for realism, there are plenty of sliders/ AI settings in the game to accomplish this with. Here is a REAL good place to start learning about how these adjustments affect your game:
I finally have my AI adjustments set for MAdden 2005 PC after some in-game testing. I have since played three games (12 min quarters, accelerated clock, Pro level) and came out with some very realistic stats. These are the scores from the games played (stats not included sorry):
(H) Chiefs 31 Colts 38
(H) Bills 17 Dolphins 9
(H) Panthers 20 Packers 27
Seriously check out that website. There is a lot of useful info there....