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Everything posted by 34-78-83

  1. Correct. The blitz actually worked perfectly an caused a horrible underthrown duck of a pass. Issue was Taron trying so hard to catch up to the WR he didn't notice him stopping. While that's on Taron 100% under the current rules, the PI on the underthrown prayer ball needs to something they can go "upon further review, there is no foul on the play"
  2. Jets D literally makes every Elite QB and powerful offense look like absolute crap, except somehow for Dak Prescott So... a win would be up to our D next week.
  3. Bumping this thread so folks with all their wackado takes and theories from the ringer and the athletic, along with some dangerously false assumptions of those looking at all-22 can find and at least see some objective truth as to what’s actually going on when our team is struggling.
  4. I think the reason nobody dared play man against us back then is because Josh would readily take off and end up with 50-100 yards rushing on those outings, gashing them for huge chunks. In my opinion, and for the rest of this season, that threat has to return enough (kinda like in the Tampa game) so that they have to once again respect it. Next year maybe we can replace that with a more versatile #2 WR (one that is better than the #2 Corner covering him)
  5. You're the most knowledgeable and accurate x's and o's poster we have on this board, @HoofHearted. I always appreciate the insight.
  6. Some choose to overlook the explanations, guidance and proof (with pictures even) provided right here in this very thread that refute the concern of the OP, and still post nonsense right after, as if those posts and proof don't exist. Gotta love it! (not really)
  7. I’ve watched hundreds of hours of Josh’s all 22 reviews since like 2019 and he definitely is not a 1 read qb. To assume he is is kinda outlandish considering how easy it is to find. It’s blatantly obvious that he goes through progressions on plays that are not rpo’s or sight reads ( like the play to Harty in the last game) and you can literally watch his head move from 1 to 2 to 3 etc. These are the types of speculations that create false narratives about a guy.
  8. He was excellent tonight. I couldn't believe it!
  9. Shakir made plays and yac, 2nd week in a row. I agree with your point overall, however OP
  10. They looked like they belonged on the field tonight physically speaking (I'll stay out of the ridiculous post game thread) which is a marked difference from the playoff game last year. So I am disappointed but encouraged. Tough to go to a real contender's place in prime time (who needed a win badly) and pull one off. Although I still think we can go to KC and win. 5-4 sucks but it is what it is.
  11. This is a 40/60 to win game for the Bills as I see it, going on the road against a hot team and QB who handled us last season. The Bills CAN pull it off, but will have to win the LOS on at least one side of the ball and Josh needs to play really well. I'll be disappointed if they lose but if they look like they belong on the field out there I'll be encouraged that we can still make a run and peak toward the end of the season. A win would put me in a COMPLETELY other place mentally and confidence for the season would be high here on out.
  12. Good post @Simon, and I agree... To add, I think they've realized this back to the off season. The interior O-line adds and development of a running game have been good adds that should help at the end of the year and in the playoffs vs. tough, physical teams like the Bengals. I think the 3 recent additions will certainly help as we go as well, but I am concerned with how much they'll be able to add tonight. I wish we had one more week, especially for Douglass to pick up the disguised looks and terminology. It also sucks that Daquon Jones has been out for both the playoff game and today.
  13. Yeah I haven't seen anything either. Maybe @HappyDays knows something :). Beyond that, I think the "soon" was a false account, as some here have pointed out.
  14. We still don't know if there was ligament damage to go with Milano's fracture, or do we? It would certainly make a potential difference in rehab time.
  15. ...to take it further, that ankle has been injured since training camp. (there were reports on it at the time) They keep these things on the DL where they can, this isn't unprecedented. How many times do we get to the end of a season to hear "So and so was playing all year with a partially torn ________"?
  16. Certainly not obvious that the Bills tried to trade him. Keep trying to develop him while he's on his rookie deal. We know the talent and physical skills are there. Wait and see. Doesn't hurt anything.
  17. He is and has been a starter people. Seriously, watch other games and teams before making your claims. He is 100% for sure better than Dane, and likely Benford too. Might take a couple games to integrate to our system.
  18. It has been explained on here before (Hoofhearted for example) but the Shotgun runs that many are yelling at the wind about is a big part of our successful read-option (RPO) game. Sure, it hasn't always worked, especially on the goal line, but overall it HAS worked. The shortsighted takes over and over and over without learning anything about the game are so muich fun to read through though!
  19. That pass rating against stat some sources use is 100% subjective outside of in one on one man coverage situations. There, I put it nicely.
  20. Hopkins is the only one that makes sense to me as well on the offensive side of the ball. On defense, I could see us acquiring a DT or LB, but IDK... it still seems most likely that we will acquire no one (not saying that would be my choice).
  21. All but one, maybe two of Gabe's catches the other night were hands catches, plucks out of the air, previous history not withstanding. Give credit where credit is due, even if its just for one game. Everyone has already heard umpteen million times about his poor hands. All of both Gabe and Kalil’s catches are displayed here- Hard working players actually can improve on occasion too ( I know some don’t seem to agree with this), so there is hope, atleast while we have them and can afford them.
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