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Uncle Joe

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Everything posted by Uncle Joe

  1. Petey out smarting himself again
  2. He might need a year in the minor leagues But they would probably make Josh a pitcher. Maybe Judge could help.
  3. Make Cam throw it. 😁
  4. But the Talking Heads said after week one said Jamal Adam's made their D elite
  5. Breaking news the 12th man is missing as well.
  6. You are a pup. Good, I am open to civil discourse. Maybe an old dog can like me can learn a something new.
  7. You're saying Michael Avenatti wasn't credible? /s
  8. Capco I appreciate your dialogue. However, after watching the defamation hearings of Brett Kavanaugh the political class of the Democrats was truly classless.
  9. No, when they raised the rate for the cable box to $8/month I figured I could walk 20' to the couch. Signed, Ralph Wilson
  10. RIP. May not agree with her political views but as stated above one tough ol bird. She fought the tough fight against cancer till the end.
  11. Good for Robert for getting paid. I've said before his best years when he was younger and faster were wasted with bad qbs in Buffalo that couldn't get him the ball. That said, I'm not sure if he has another good 4 years left at his age.
  12. https://www.oregonlive.com/collegefootball/2020/09/presentation-pac-12-presidents-and-chancellors-saw-before-postponing-sports-featured-overstated-covid-19-statistics.html
  13. Bigger. faster, stronger. Welcome to the NFL Joe.
  14. Asst to Kate Brown: You have a phone call on line 1. Kate: I'm busy. I have this cafe owner on HWY 22 not following my rules. Asst to Kate Brown: He said it's urgent. It's Phil. Kate: I said. I'm BUSY. Asst to Kate Brown: It's Phil Knight. Kate: Hi Phil. Ok, Ok Ok, But I told Gavin and Jay that our coalition would be strong and no public gatherings until after the election. (SILENCE) I'll have an exemption for you tomorrow after I get my hair done.
  15. It IS going to rain tonight! Also, for a guy with a moniker of Logic, try adding the Air Quality Index to your favorites! 😁🍺
  16. Now Oregon's governor is allowing college football to have a health advisory exemption; Gotta keep up with the Big Ten. Meanwhile she is till fining small businesses. Put it here because of the knee jerk reaction by our liberal governor. https://www.oregonlive.com/collegefootball/2020/09/oregon-gov-kate-brown-oha-grant-exemption-for-uo-osu-sports-pending-approval-of-pac-12-plans.html https://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/news/2020/09/16/osha-fined-cafe-22-west-failure-protect-employees-covid-19/5818841002/
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