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Uncle Joe

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Everything posted by Uncle Joe

  1. But, but it's supposed to be a Ford and a Gran Torino. Do you still set you points with a matchbook cover ?
  2. Terrible disease. RIP.
  3. Talked to a Dr. recently (off work hours) who jokingly said "don't let a little skin get in the way of a good diagnosis". This may have applied here.
  4. I always wanted Michael Buffer's job. Glad he is still going strong. I've liked boxing since I was a kid and the one fight that I will always remember is Tyson-Holyfield. My boys were 9 & 10 then so I set up the TV on the patio and invited the guys over for beers and bbq. This was going to be my boys indoctrination to boxing. So Tyson has to go and bite off Holyfield's ear, Sheesh, sorry boys that ain't boxing! Watched Lomachenko box a few weeks ago and he is the real deal.
  5. I thought he did well filling in for Wood. I have not seen much of him playing guard in his time with the Bills. Perhaps he is a better center than guard?
  6. I just read the subject line and thought Richie was released....from custody ?
  7. I'm hoping Foster does well and makes the team as an outside threat.
  8. Yes they do. If they shot humans for a broken leg I would have been dead a few years ago along with Ryan Fitzpatrick and Eric Wood.
  9. This thread could go on for a very long time. Maybe it needs to be re-titled 'The downward spiral of Ritchie Incognito"
  10. But you could go to a Raider or 49er's game Incognito ?
  11. No worries I am king of the typo...
  12. I don't see that happening either. Father time will catch up with him by 2109.
  13. If I had ever had a dog named Rex I would probably miss Rex.
  14. Thanks for the memories. RIP.
  15. College age = 7 days Social Security age = 2 days then freeze
  16. Table not included in sticker price. BYOFT. My bad. First you buy a Pinto...
  17. I think CNBC said $300,000+ this morning.
  18. http://www.trucktrend.com/news/1802-2019-rolls-royce-cullinan-gets-flip-up-picnic-chairs-on-tailgate/
  19. That was my 1st thought since Cadet is coming off a pretty bad injury.
  20. Perhaps he auditioned as Tommy Lee Jones stunt double in his 2nd career.
  21. Best comment I've seen yet from a friend, "Chariots of Fire fan".
  22. And a punster as well. I hope Mr Foster catches on as well and does not become the next Mr Rogers...
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