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Uncle Joe

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Everything posted by Uncle Joe

  1. No, we are waiting for some guy named Oxford to come up with a plausible definition.
  2. It was in the document. It was his buddy from the Philly incident who filed.
  3. Yeah I found this interesting in the quash doc: One would think LeSean could afford a lawyer.
  4. Flashbacks of Mario Williams' engagement ring when I read this...
  5. Don't forget Poyer. We've gone from the Bickering Bills to the Bizarro Bills. We may need to bring back Bania at RB. (OK, Banyard).
  6. Labor Day weekend in the early ‘80s I walked into a bar in Salem to have some beers see some music with some friends. Ben Davidson happened to be there as well since he was promoting Lite beer at the Oregon State fair. Being a somewhat brash 20 something I go over and introduce myself. When I shook the hand of the 6’8” former defensive lineman his palm engulfed my whole hand! So, I bs with him for a while and he bought me a couple Lite beers. Finally, I get up to leave and start walking away and Ben tells me, “Hey, remember one thing.” Awaiting words of wisdom from Ben Davidson I turned my head and hastily responded, What’s that?”. Ben Davidson replied, “Drink Lite beer from Miller!” He got me hook, line and sinker. I took the full bottle of Lite beer home. The contents are long gone but I still have the bottle. RIP.
  7. The Mariners? I am curious to see how long Pete Carroll will hang around without the talent he once had.
  8. Just saw this on the news and this reminded of Eric Wood walking away from football. Seattle is definitely going through changes on the roster in the last few years,
  9. I believe Beane has one roster spot still open. I'm thinking he his waiting and ready to see who becomes available when roster cuts are made on other teams.
  10. No. I blame Uncle Joe. He showed me how good the Bills were in '64 & '65 on the old black and white in NJ while Dad and family were in the dining room socializing before dinner. 10 years later I went back to NJ from Oregon and told Uncle Joe he would be proud of me as I was still a Bills fan. Uncle Joe told me he was never a Bills fan. He was a Giants fan.
  11. With all due respect I did get a chuckle out of this comment. "I like this story but I’m skeptical. I have a buddy who is an expert in deceased reality tv stars and he’s gonna come in and look at this." RIP
  12. So now we have a 3rd entry - shards ? I always heard you got splinters riding the pine. Though it seems like you took riding the pine a little bit too literal.
  13. The Splendid Splinter did not use a metal bat ⚾
  14. Sliver for metal and splinter for wood.
  15. Yep, and much of it that scenario was about retaliation. So maybe the guy who started the whole thing get off scot free and the last guy gets his clocked cleaned . Kinda like the 2nd foul in numerous sports will get the penalty flag. Or maybe they should just stand there and point like Preston...
  16. But the ninth should be tolerable this year the way Diaz is going. If they make the playoffs whose next on the drought list?
  17. I just need to know if you served him his Cheese before, after or during the Battle Royale?
  18. CJ couldn't pass block to save the QB's life .Defenses knew if he was in the backfield Bills were running on that down. Running back pass blocking can be an overlooked skill set. Fred Ex was pretty good at it and I am hoping Ivory will be as well.
  19. I always though alcohol would be his demise (maybe it contributed?) Anyways he always appeared to live life to the fullest until the end. RIP.
  20. I picked Miller because I think his stint on the bench may have motivated him. Also the change in coaches and scheme may have played with him mentally last year (not Cog's mental!). New OC coach, scheme and hopefully focus for Miller.
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