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Uncle Joe

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Everything posted by Uncle Joe

  1. Yeah, but could we beat UW?
  2. @OldTimeAFLGuy So here is my story and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! So I had been hunting in NE Oregon for elk ever since high school and never shot an elk. I called it hiking with gun. I enjoyed the outdoors and time with family as much as anything. In 2014 I finally drew another big bull tag for the wilderness unit after a 14 year wait. For sure my luck would be better this time. Unfortunately, it wasn’t. On the 2nd day of the hunt we spotted a 6x7 elk at the bottom of the canyon down by the river. On the 1st descent I rolled my ankle on some wet bark. No biggie, I had rolled my ankle numerous times playing basketball (looking back, I probably had stress fracture of the fibula). Almost to the bottom of the canyon we noticed we had gone past the elk. So back up the mountainside and back down we went. This time we were within within 550 yards of the bull. Not wanting to lob bullets at this animal and take the chance of only wounding it we tried to get closer. So up the hillside again and back down for the 3rd time. As I went down to get a better shot, I fell after putting all my weight on my right leg on a steep descent. I heard the sound of breaking glass. “Oh, ***** I broke my scope” I thought “now how am I going to shoot this elk?” So, I looked at my rifle and the scope was fine. Then I looked at my leg and it had broken. I got on the radio and the hunt has now turned into a rescue operation. This happened at about noon. I got to spend the afternoon in the rain and the night in freezing temperatures under the shelter of my “bat cave” with a warming fire. Two Search and Rescue Volunteers showed up at about 7pm and spent the night looking over me. About an hour after first light the rope team got me up to a flat spot where I could be airlifted out of the wilderness. Around noon (24 hours later) the Blackhawk helicopter arrived from Salem to airlift me off the mountain. They dropped me off at the nearest hospital and x-rays it showed I had broken my tibia and fibula. Two Life Flight helicopter rides later I was at a trauma hospital in Portland. 48 hours after my fall I had my first surgery on Veteran’s Day. I got a plate and screws in my fibula but due to length of time since the original injury I had developed a significant fracture blister near the break in my tibia. The risk of infection was too high, so I got a temporary x-fix on the tibia, Then a second surgery a couple weeks later before Thanksgiving to remove the hardware and insert a titanium rod in my tibia. As for pain I survived the first night on ibuprofen and never went into shock. Had it been a compound break that might have be different. Now I deal with all the metal in my leg and the all the weather changes which was expected. However, despite the PT I had after surgery, my hip is starting to give me issues. Most likely from compensating for my leg injury. So all I can say is be thankful for all that you have tomorrow on Thanksgiving, Life if short and can change in an instant.
  3. Will Terrence McGee leading the charge look like this?
  4. I heard there is a t-shirt that says "I may be old but I saw all the best bands." I must be old because I hit on a couple #4s - Led Zeppelin and The Grateful Dead.
  5. I'm okay with calling a spade a spade. I was just pointing out the media is struggling with it. And the Andy Ngo who was assaulted while taking video couldn't press charges because the police couldn't identify the ANTIFA attackers because they wore masks. ?
  6. Eventually we will have an amendment to 3 called the tuck rule....
  7. The Oregonlive covered it but the headline makes no mention of these things you call antifa? Police arrest 6 in dueling Portland rallies involving Patriot Prayer https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2018/11/police_arrest_6_in_portland_rallies_involving_patriot_prayer.html
  8. Thanks for your concern.. I was 58 at the time. I now have a titanium rod in my tibia and plate and screws in my fibula. It's quite the story and I should probably tell it in Off The Wall since this thread is about Alex Smith and Joe Theismann. Hopefully Alex has been as conservative with his money as he is with his quarterbacking and can think about "walking" away from the live action.
  9. It's something that stays embedded in the memory bank. I broke my tibia and fibula in the wilderness 4 years ago. When I had a buddy on the radio he asked, "How bad is it?' I said "Think Joe Theisman". No more questions were needed.
  10. Sorry to hear that. I still remember the Theismann injury like it was yesterday.
  11. I was in San Francisco Wednesday through Saturday and the air was rated unhealthy to very unhealthy. Schools were closed Friday and the trolleys were shut down. People were walking all over downtown with N95 masks. Very apocalyptic looking. The amount of casualties in Paradise is very significant. I feel fortunate to be back in Oregon breathing clean air.
  12. No more slut burgers ads ?
  13. Guy was probably saying hi Hitler too (sic). Kinda like, "Yo what's up Caesar. Also reminded me of this in February during the Winter Olympics. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/both-have-crosses-so-norwegian-flag-mistaken-for-confederate-flag/
  14. So does Zay have his locker next to KB to tell him how to line up his uniform to get dressed?
  15. Was the live feed UDP or RTP? Was the tape VHS or BETA? These answers will definitely clear up the issue of whether it was a press jerk or knee jerk reaction. I'm leaning press jerk.
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