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Uncle Joe

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Everything posted by Uncle Joe

  1. Dad told me a story recently over the holidays. His grandfather was working at a birch barking factory in Connecticut probably 1900 or so. Reliable young kid didn't show up at work one day. They found him dead taken down by a pack of wolves. Kid took out about 6 wolves with his ax before he died. BTW, I have seen cougars in the woods with a gun. It is a very eerie sight. Also have seen pictures of 200 pound cougars that were killed by people I know.
  2. I'd like to see a few adds on defense to go from good to mo better, Most definitively want to see more focus on the offense this year which was basically neglected last off season.
  3. There was some article about him leaving a gay bar and some boyfriend was jilted. Therefore I think the Jussie Smollett attackers were these 2 thugs:
  4. Oregon democrats are going antigun. If passed, I wonder how this would hold up in federal court . Oregon proposal would require gun owners to obtain permits https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2019/01/oregon-proposal-would-require-gun-owners-to-obtain-permits.html
  5. Nice BT reference. Years ago we were planning to fishing off the Oregon coast. The bar was closed (at the jetty tips) so no fishing. So about 7 of us decide to go and have breakfast at a pretty decent Steak and Seafood restaurant. We went to the dining area and the special was seafood omelette. We all ordered and waited about 20 minutes or so. All the orders come out except 2. Everyone is eating so the 2 folks without there breakfast ask for theirs since we all ordered at the same time. The waitress goes to check. The chef come out to the reader board and erases the seafood omelette, writes seafood scramble and leaves. Waitress came back out in a few minutes with the 2 seafood scrambles.
  6. 30 minute delay. Did Congress do a bait and switch?
  7. A new revised version for millennial Democrats, The Constitution 2.0.
  8. Finally some recognition for Johnathan Winters . Pat Paulson was pretty good also.
  9. A lot of character twists. And a lot of people get shot and never get gangrene and die. It kept me entertained and it was an interesting point in American history (although not a factual story).
  10. I think this is how he broke his ankle.
  11. Not if he is in the Hitler youth because they will kill his family if he doesn't comply.
  12. This is beginning to fell like tryouts for American Idol. We need Randy Jackson to "check it out" for all contestants. Simon to berate all those that have declared. And Paula to..well just be Paula.
  13. Alright, alright, alright. I am not a big Matthew McConaughey fan. Season 1 was by far the best acting performance he has ever done, IMHO.
  14. "This is an information war above all, and that's the primary tactic deployed by all parties involved." DR
  15. SO I haven't followed this thread. I had Fox news on in the background...breaking news Muller's team come outs to deny BuzzFeed's allegations. Switch back to Fox local news and they are espousing about Trump telling Cohan to lie per BuzzFeed info on the 5 o'clock news. I guess the local news didn't get the latest memo.
  16. Agreed. I only started watching season 3 because of the reviews here.
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