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Uncle Joe

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Everything posted by Uncle Joe

  1. II heard he he was pretty meticulous with the moving van employees when packing his stuff in Miami.
  2. https://www.adweek.com/agencies/this-portland-agency-created-a-satirical-lifestyle-brand-just-for-anti-vaxxers/?fbclid=IwAR1sBECaF3KCNeZ1Aw26c4Zg06Mk-HzCg_N_Hh-5PLGPahFTgqM2JbvepLo (PS I am not an anti vaxxer. After reading this thread for some reason I am craving some sugar cubes)
  3. SO the the 1966 Act was amended in 1986 and effective in 1987. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. This old dog is getting CRS and only has selective memory when is comes to his yute days in NJ. (I blame it on the smoke from the mosquito trucks) But I still remember that line in My Cousin Vinny.
  4. Think of all the energy we are saving thanks to G W Bush. ? "By the Energy Policy Act of 2005, daylight saving time (DST) was extended in the United States beginning in 2007. As from that year, DST begins on the second Sunday of March and ends on the first Sunday of November. Previously, Daylight Saving Time started on the first Sunday in April and ended on the last Sunday in October."
  5. If Uncle Joe is smart he will stay in Hooterville.
  6. Good story. Great pitcher. We used to refer to those pitches as "c*ck shots".
  7. Sorry, I had a relapse and forgot which century I was in.
  8. Such a close game and a lot of what ifs i.e. what if we tackle Mark Bavaro short of the 1st down? But yes, the evil genius shut down our O and Parcells kept them off the field with ground and pound.
  9. Just a clarification, this is PSU campus police - not mayor Ted Wheeler's stand downs. They already have plenty of bad press with a shooting last year so they are probably treading lightly (not that I agree). https://www.wweek.com/news/courts/2018/09/13/grand-jury-declines-to-indict-psu-campus-police-officers-in-fatal-shooting-that-killed-a-man-in-front-of-the-cheerful-tortoise/
  10. Well it will be linked to Black History Month forever .
  11. Meanwhile back in Oregon illegals mass producing fake id and dealing drugs. Thousands of fake government IDs made in covert Oregon lab were sold across U.S., prosecutors say https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2019/03/thousands-of-fake-government-ids-made-in-covert-lab-in-woodburn-were-sold-across-us-prosecutors-say.html
  12. Never split a pair of Phillips...way to stand pat with the hand we have.
  13. (David) P**ker was mentioned quite a bit yesterday
  14. Just keep AOC away from guns please.
  15. AOC probably thinks Trump Links has something to do with Russian collusion.
  16. Interesting comment - "I have lied but I am not a liar"
  17. I was expecting to see a staffer with some Minnesota 2018 NFC Conference Championship gear on.
  18. We need to know the state and size first. Also, I don't want us to sign Michael Crabtree.
  19. Is this the Robert Kraft thread?
  20. Nilsson Schmilsson
  21. Bill, you only need to post a few thoughts here...in whatever order you choose.
  22. Easy to tell this is fake, CNN always uses the term white nationalist.
  23. "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
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