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Uncle Joe

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Everything posted by Uncle Joe

  1. 1st rule of tech = check the Oh En Oh Eff Eff button. You don't need to learn to code for that.
  2. Hey, it wasn't WWII. War Memorial Stadium? Ok, disregard previous statement. RIP Jack Kemp. When Pride Still Mattered" in reference to Jack Kemp and the Lombardi sightings.
  3. Boston was a much different era than New England with Babe Parilli,, Gino Capaelletti, et al. I don't tolerate the Patriots as much anymore.
  4. Now that Walmart has canned their greeters what else is there? ?
  5. Interesting article from The Motley Fool (not to be confused with.some other fools here ) https://www.fool.com/retirement/2017/01/28/81-years-of-social-securitys-maximum-taxable-earni.aspx
  6. I figured as much when JN called you a photo bomber ? ? Oh, and Go Bills! ?
  7. Well that is not a Bill's shirt she has on...
  8. Definitely not this Michael Bennett (he's got a pair of ts). https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2017/09/30/michael-bennett-arrest-video-paul-newday-weekend.cnn
  9. I believe Beane is building his core via the draft. From what I've seen WR and edge rusher will probably be a priority in next year's draft . We did get a Ford this year on the OL and may add another OL next year. A lot of 1 year deals in free agency this year.
  10. I like the way Beane stocked the cupboards in free agency. He filled a lot of holes without overspending and trading away high draft picks. Whether this draft "fell to him", or not, he addressed most of our needs with BPA at the time. It's been a while since I've seen so many needs filled with good draft picks. As always, time will tell how good a draft this was and I hope that Singletary does not wind up being one of those woulda, coulda, shoulda moments in time.
  11. I think they called security and got Whaley out of the draft room after the 3rd pick ?
  12. I wonder if we have any picks left to take a flyer on someone /sarcasm
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