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Uncle Joe

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Everything posted by Uncle Joe

  1. I was going to ask if Yan can still cook. I used to watch Yan Can Cook.
  2. I learned house painting in high school working for my uncle. Not what I wanted to do. When I went off to college one option was to paint for extra money. I opted for other jobs because I wasn't going to college to become a house painter. After graduating from college any time I needed money I always went could rely on house painting to make a living or make some mad money. Lessons learned 1) Where there's a will there's a way. 2) Learning a trade is a valuable asset.
  3. So AOC researched free radicals in her youth. Why am I not surprised?
  4. High school friend of mine just posted that he and his legally immigrated Chinese wife just returned from China last night. "No quarantine, just self monitoring", They had left January 19th and I hadn't heard from him until today. Good news but I will probably wait a bit before I have a beer with him.
  5. Should I buy or sell my Bills' socks? Asking for a friend.
  6. https://www.oregonlive.com/health/2020/02/1st-us-soldier-infected-with-coronavirus-in-south-korea.html
  7. Bernie just got BiM's vote ? 'We can't have big corporations sell marijuana. We need to let the little guy do it. Isn't that what cartels do? '
  8. Ah the closing bell. Quick somebody buy Tibs a corona to celebrate...
  9. My buddy spent many years low budget fishing the Baja Peninsula in his youth. He will never drink Corona again.
  10. https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2020/02/i-hate-white-people-woman-charged-with-hate-crime-in-portland-bus-stop-attack.html
  11. This is what I am afraid of. As much as I dislike the federal deficit, Trump attacking Jerome Powell etc. , I still like the economy as a whole currently.
  12. My Dad always said he could quit anytime he wanted because he'd done it so many times. Good luck. I hate cigarettes.
  13. Shook my head when I saw this unbiased MSM headline: Trump's new acting intelligence chief Richard Grenell lacks intelligence experience but he is a gold Trump Card member https://theweek.com/speedreads/896893/trumps-new-acting-intelligence-chief-richard-grenell-lacks-intelligence-experience-but-gold-trump-card-member
  14. At quick glance I read that as, "In the new NPR/Marxist poll, Bernie is at 31%"
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