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Uncle Joe

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Everything posted by Uncle Joe

  1. I think I read right here that you can't win in today's NFL with defense. It will be interesting to see how Belichick does post-Brady. And I am satisfied with the Bills draft so far. Gone are the days where our GMs outsmarted themselves and Beane seems to fill the holes/needs most fans see. Go Bills!
  2. Nope, Players with martian tattoos. Try to keep up. ?
  3. Hopefully they get the bugs worked out day 1 and have everything working fine for day 2 of the draft. Go Bills! Gotta love those load tests.
  4. Not sure if this is a liberal protest but another one bites the dust from for the PC crowd. First Chief Wahoo now this: Land O’Lakes quietly removes Native woman from packaging Ojibwe artist Patrick DesJarlait remade Mia in the mid-1950s. DesJarlait's work is included in the Minnesota Museum of American Art in St. Paul. https://www.oregonlive.com/business/2020/04/land-olakes-quietly-removes-native-woman-from-packaging.html
  5. Well for some reason MSM figured they needed a headline. /smh
  6. Perspective: “It is actually quite a bit of a side-step from our usual mission,” Baum said. “However, as we’ve seen with this pandemic, everybody has had to make really drastic changes in their life ... and for PopMob, what we normally do isn’t feasible. We are very active about being anti-fascist and encouraging people to be everyday anti-fascists, and a big part of anti-fascism is community defense and supporting your community. This was a way to provide supplies to communities who had no other way of getting them.” <sniP> The effort has been community funded, with donations pouring in from GoFundMe or directly through the Rosehip Medic Collective website. As of Thursday morning, the GoFundMe had raised just over $9,000. Oregon expects $2.45 billion in federal coronavirus relief, including direct money for Portland, Multnomah, Washington counties
  7. Portland anti-fascists are making hand sanitizer for essential workers, homeless residents https://www.oregonlive.com/coronavirus/2020/04/portland-anti-fascists-are-making-hand-sanitizer-for-essential-workers-homeless-residents.html
  8. He's got the COVID handshake down. More seriously, I hope his asthma does not complicate the virus for him.
  9. He's going all Neville Chamberlin. Don't worry. it didn't happen this millennium so it doesn't count.
  10. Yes sir, Washingtonians have hunting and fishing restriction ban here in Oregon. Also, we don't want to see you on our beaches. ? Oregon is doing pretty well. We still a lot of businesses operating with newly installed Plexiglas. Majority are wearing masks when out. But NYC and NJ are getting hammered. It should definitely be a regional, soft opening.
  11. RIP. I got to meet/serve him once bartending when he was filming a movie in Salem OR a long time ago. Like DR said, a very nice, respectful man.
  12. California to give cash to immigrants in the country illegally who are left out of coronavirus stimulus package https://www.oregonlive.com/coronavirus/2020/04/california-to-give-cash-to-immigrants-in-the-country-illegally-who-are-left-out-of-coronavirus-stimulus-package.html
  13. Truth. You should see the debates on the Salt Water Fishing forum. Some fishing addicts need a fix.
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