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Uncle Joe

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Everything posted by Uncle Joe

  1. Oregon hair salon defies coronavirus closure order, reopens to 1 client at a time This is in the state capitol.. and her name...."owner Lindsey Graham" ? https://www.oregonlive.com/business/2020/05/oregon-salon-defies-business-closure-order-to-contain-coronavirus.html
  2. Self caught and canned albacore, Drained, Best Food's/Hellman's mayo (don't over do - can always add more to sandwich) Chopped celery and onion. (I am in the anti relish/pickle crowd) Mix/mash well. Nice grain bread, romaine lettuce, tuna, tomato, salt and pepper to taste. For a lighter sandwich tuna on toast. For a change, tuna melts on english muffins with cheddar cheese.
  3. How many times does she rip them up before she's finished?
  4. Now that we've been graced with Ryan Reynolds do we get the chick too? Asking for a friend.
  5. Sad news. Seems like only yesterday he was on the Miami sidelines. RIP.
  6. I'd come from Oregon for that until you said brussel sprouts,
  7. Out here in Oregon I have been avoiding the Big Box stores in town and going to our local Ace hardware store. I go early in the morning and pretty much avoid people. Been working on a cement sidewalk..the Wuhan Walk. I also avoid the local Walmart to avoid crowds and crazies and shop at Rite Aid instead. Then there is the weekly trip to Safeway during the old timer 7-9 am run. Crowds are manageable and aisles are now mostly one way. I am not a mask wearer. Most mask wearers are in the older age group.
  8. The Fat Lady hasn't sung until I see these guys:
  9. After I had leg surgery they gave me a breathing tube to take home to help prevent blood clots. After that former Blazer Jerome Kersey died of a blood clot after knee surgery. So this does happen without the Wuhan flu.
  10. Also in cities think about how many people don't have freezers in apartments or confined housing.
  11. Regarding food. there seems to be 2 issues - 1)A minimal restaurant needs. So, for example, high end steakhouse Ringside in Portland is selling their steaks to the public. Kegs of beer going to waste. 2) At the beginning of the chain workers get the Wuhan flu and it affects production. I read an article about a month ago about the wood product industry. Socially distant loggers were still working as usual but the need at the end of the chain was disrupting the rest of the chain.
  12. That Marshawn guy went onto have a pretty good career. Moss isn't there yet. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  13. So that where the other half of Andrea Bocelli went. (I really hope AB is healthy with all that weight loss)
  14. "I once killed a six pack just to watch it die" Joe in Winslow formerly... HBD
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