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Uncle Joe

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Everything posted by Uncle Joe

  1. I'm still trying to process home ownership when a baby mama is involved. ?
  2. I posted this earlier. Our governor Kate Brown is a B word and this is how she operates. When our Republicans walked out to prevent a vote on her cap and trade agenda/tax she sent the state police out to search for them. But while the Employment Department eff ups with claims during the pandemics she waits weeks before commenting. Her comment, "I'm sorry". Yep that sure helps.
  3. 911 Center: "Phil, are you spying on people again?"
  4. Well this is not good. Definitely not part of the process, At least he wasn't running naked through the construction zone.
  5. My Uncle Joe (moniker) told my dad when he went in the hospital for the last time, "I came in the front door but I'm going out the back door." He didn't loose his sense of humor or perspective. RIP
  6. Aw, c'man give her some hugs and kisses. It's right their in her name XO CHITL, LOL ? /s
  7. Saw this on FB today regarding the Oregon hairdresser: Russ Walker 7 hrs This is urgent and important, please read the entire post: I received a call tonight from Lindsay Graham. I posted about her last week. Lindsay is a hairdresser that reopened her salon in defiance of Kate Brown’s business shut down order. Kate Brown has decided to make an example of Lindsay and the contractors that work out of her salon. Late in the day today Lindsay was notified by OSHA that they’re illegally classifying the contractors working in her salon as employees and will issue her a $14,000 fine for workplace violations. If allowed to stand this action puts at risk every beauty salon in the state of Oregon that operates with contractors. Even worse, OSHA notified Lindsay that they’re also notifying other state agencies and initiating additional investigations in an effort to further bully and intimidate her. It’s ironic that Kate Brown is still pulling in her paycheck from the taxpayers of state of Oregon, while Lindsay and many others watch their life’s work destroyed. But what makes it worse is Kate Brown is using the full weight of the state to not just destroy Lindsay’s business, but Kate Brown is going to fine and punish Lindsay and has even targeted her family and children. Last week Lindsay called me very upset, Kate Brown sunk to a new low and sent the department of child protective services, her stormtroopers, to Lindsay’s home just three days after she reopened her salon. That’s right, late last week Kate Brown sent government thugs to threaten Lindsay’s family and children in an effort to intimidate her. That is how vindictive and abusive Kate Brown is. She is a bully and a tyrant. Here is a timeline of the abuses Kate and her state thugs have thrown at Lindsay and her family over the last 10 days. On May 2nd, Lindsay let her clients know that she would be opening her salon on the 5th of May. On May 4th, she was contacted by Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA and threatened with a $70,000 fine. On May 5th, she reopened her salon in Downtown Salem. On May 6th, Lindsay received a letter from the city of Salem informing her that she was in violation of the office lease contract. (the city of Salem owns the building her salon occupies) On May 7th, child protective services showed up at her home while she was at the office to initiate an investigation of her children’s environment. On May 14th, she was informed by OSHA that they will be issuing her a $14,000 fine and they will be notifying other state agencies, who will be initiating additional investigations. In just 10 days, Kate Brown has brought the full weight of the state down upon Lindsay’s head for simply trying to earn a living for her family. This is abuse of power and tyranny. If Kate Brown can do it to Lindsay, she can do it to any of us. We all need to unite, call our lawmakers and the Governor’s office. Governor Kate Brown’s phone number is 503-378-4582. Lindsay will hold a press conference tomorrow morning at 10:30 AM in front of her salon in downtown Salem. Please be polite, but tell the governor to leave Lindsay alone and let her earn a living for her family. Jeff Reynolds, #FoxNews #TuckerCarlson #Hannity #FreedomWorks David Darnell, Bill Post, Chris Barreto,
  8. So is Bill still playing the sax while the economy crashes?
  9. Saw this interview yesterday, Alright, alright, alright I am not the biggest Matthew McConaughy fan (and it was on Fox) but I like what he said about "the pandemic being hijacked by partisan politics"
  10. Agreed, she looked much better before the knife and collagen. Le Bleu: Tool Time: So to get back on track let's say I can't stand her on Baywatch ?
  11. He forgot to add South Korea has baseball and that we don't.
  12. But for those two seasons they were real and they were spectacular.
  13. Well Schumer has said he wants Fauci to "let er rip". I'm glad I don't have smellavision.
  14. Having a young Pamela Anderson introduce them helped.
  15. Both Tessitore and McFarland will remain in prominent roles at ESPN. ?
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