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Uncle Joe

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Everything posted by Uncle Joe

  1. Why $945? Is this like the casinos where there is a threshold and then they have to withhold taxes over that threshold?
  2. Yes and he should never play in the NFL again IMHO. I had 2 surgeries due to risk of infection so got lucky that it wasn't an issue post surgery. But I did have to hobble around with an x-fix for 2 weeks (Alex had a halo). I was lucky to have a good emergency surgeon. I saw he also did Blazer center Jusuf Nurkic's leg surgery a year ago.
  3. I am still upright. I saw what Alex Smith went through so things definitely could have been worse,
  4. After I broke my leg 5 years ago one of the key focus in PT was working on my balance. I still need to be careful doing physical chores due to losing my balance. That old man in the video lost his balance and then stumbled, tripped whatever. But at his age he lost his balance when pushed.
  5. Damn Leh-nerd you need 6 steps mister! At your age you probably need 9.
  6. Wait, isn't the police chief in Philadelphia Danielle Outlaw previously of Portland? Philly is in good hands. signed Antifa
  7. I think his point is some of us Boomers were young once have seen or heard more than 1 riot or protest song.
  8. I was thinking about what slavery has probably built - the pyramids, the Great Wall of China, The Roman Coliseum etc. To be consistent is there any discussion of tearing these down?
  9. War Memorial Stadium Soldier Stadium
  10. I got this pic from FB. One of the commentators speculated he had been military at one point and had a "love of country". It was also stated he had participated in peaceful protests as well. These are hard times now. Stay strong.
  11. The start of the video showed this white supremacist:
  12. Nice job. They just forgot their manners. They needed to close the door for that POS.
  13. CNN (after editing video) - peaceful protesters come to aid of innocent victim set a blaze by police flame throwers
  14. Attacking stroke survivors for grammar?
  15. There was a video in Portland of the police trying to stop a vehicle that had nefarious items. They just used the vehicle to get away. With a a stand down order there is no way a human can stop a vehicle.
  16. While our Democratic governor wants to stand down to violent protesters and intimidate hair salons some in our state capitol are willing to step up. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/05/citizens-ar15s-protect-salem-storefronts-protest/
  17. It wasn't too long ago **** were walking up to cop cars in NYC and assassinating officers. I think it was 4 in one week.
  18. It is a risk but it has extended the careers of many NFL players. They could be up and protesting in no time.
  19. I think they need to remove the spleen.
  20. My ties to Portland Or was college in the late 70s. Since then many people/families moved there to escape the problems of the big cities. 50 years later and now Portland has those same problems people were trying to get away from.
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