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Uncle Joe

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Everything posted by Uncle Joe

  1. Sarcasm. Right wing Boogaloo Bois are supposedly infiltrating BLM to spark violence in the peaceful protests.
  2. Boogaloo Boi amirite?
  3. Boomer here. B&W TV days. Let's not forget Della, Paul and Lt Tragg. My phone makes me want to shout!
  4. Like we were jut standing there watching this statue fall over for no reason...nice non-offensive handle BTW:
  5. I am old school. I used to program systems that included peoples names. Nothing was normal. Everybody had to be special. I don't know if that is sick or sick. Or if going viral is good or bad. Interesting times.
  6. Bruce Smith Bill Walton Ozzy Osbourne (Sharon can interpret) Lara Logan Sig Hansen
  7. Jami Resch steps down as Portland police chief, asks Chuck Lovell, African American lieutenant, to take job https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2020/06/portland-chief-jami-resch-to-resign-african-american-lieutenant-chuck-lovell-to-be-named-chief-at-noon.html
  8. IMO, the video is worth the watch. https://www.kptv.com/news/vancouver-business-owner-shares-support-for-law-enforcement-hopes-everyone-can-come-together/article_69653e08-a919-11ea-846c-4bc41c0b3e16.html
  9. Mission Accomplished. With everything happening in NYC right now I am not wearing a NY hat.
  10. All the Money in the World was an interesting movie.
  11. We Have To Go To Break. So much for dialogue. Edit: After further review that was from 2016...Sheriff Clarke predicted the BLM mantra would create violence 2 year earlier. 2014 would make Obama the president.
  12. Neither That would make you a parent that wanted a better life for their children..
  13. His intent was made early on "I would say I hate to break it to you, but I am here to piss in some racist cheerios this morning."
  14. I hope you don't fire one to even out the percentages! (stolen from an old Smother's Brothers skit)
  15. You mean you haven't burned Tom Sawyer already? /
  16. Good find, I remember this one. Talk him down, amirite?
  17. Leave it alone and call it the Greg Person's Project.
  18. I'm sure that is a rhetorical question.
  19. I saw someone refer to reverse racism. Don't get me started on EEO. I have been there, done that. FWIW, since my childhood I have tried my best to live by the golden rule - Do unto others... But if I choose not to protest that is my right as well. And George Floyd died an awful death. I would not wish that on anyone,
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