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Uncle Joe

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Everything posted by Uncle Joe

  1. Ask and you shall receive.. 27 pictures of the "protestor encampment" 2 Portland parks near Justice Center, federal courthouse closed amid ongoing protests https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/2020/07/2-portland-parks-near-justice-center-federal-courthouse-closed-amid-ongoing-protests.html Protest ribs anyone
  2. Proof that you can take the girl out of Philly, but you can't take Philly out of the girl.
  3. Buck Dharma, obviously I heard his music.
  4. That was HUGE. GREATEST kick ever! PS Don't pinch me.
  5. If Mayor Ted had his way Portland would be Chaz 2.0.
  6. Probably still killing SixPacks just to watch them die. Probably not PC anymore. Cuz ya know Joe is so PC.
  7. Ringo? He never made it to 80. BTW, Ringo was my favorite Beatle.
  8. Yep, use a tool made to save lives to harm others.
  9. Whilst we are pointing out grammatical errors you made me smile. Maybe we should ask Bill in the blue dress?
  10. Don't you know Melania has diamonds on the soles of her shoes ?
  11. God I love them trips to Hooterville.
  12. I had to think about it but your city clue made it easier.
  13. Oregon State Police say trooper’s hand gesture in viral video was innocuous https://www.oregonlive.com/news/2020/07/oregon-state-police-say-troopers-hand-gesture-in-viral-video-was-innocuous.html Doesn't stop them from pushing a narrative in the article: "Use of the hand gesture to mean “white power” started as a hoax online, but has since been used earnestly," "But as the initial video circulated on social media Sunday, many took it as an opportunity to continue legitimate criticism of police in Oregon that has stemmed from several incidents"
  14. My dad use to go on bluefish charters in Sandy Hook in the 60's. I went once and all I got was sick. And you are correct they are pretty much cat food.
  15. I usually won't call out someone for spelling. Most likely this is a racist thing. Signed, Larry Bird ??
  16. Meanwhile Governor Nero fiddles whiles Portland burns: Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announces increased enforcement of mask, distancing, occupancy standards. https://www.oregonlive.com/coronavirus/2020/07/oregon-gov-kate-brown-announces-increased-enforcement-of-mask-distancing-occupancy-standards.html
  17. He also wants the turkey to be the national bird. Maybe we can buy him a kite?
  18. Needed at least 2 key points in a headline I guess. Truth hurts, ya know. feelings.
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