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Uncle Joe

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Everything posted by Uncle Joe

  1. That BOC song was my initial response to the Seattle mayor's comment and CHAZ. The song remains the same ?
  2. This ain't the summer of love
  3. Portland police record highest number of death investigations in single month in more than three decades https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2020/07/portland-police-record-highest-number-of-death-investigations-in-single-month-in-more-than-three-decades.html
  4. Because TDS was here before the Wuhan flu.
  5. I found the date on this statement from Portland Public Schools to be interesting: 'The state’s largest district on Tuesday announced that none of its students will receive in-person instruction until at least Nov. 5."
  6. While Mayor Ted is worried about the feds presence you just can't fix stupid. 32-year-old man faces federal arson charge in May 29 fire inside Justice Center at start of Portland protests https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2020/07/32-year-old-man-faces-federal-arson-charge-stemming-from-fire-inside-justice-center.html "A 32-year-old man, identified by investigators partly by his name tattooed across his back, has been charged with arson in federal court, accused of setting and spreading fire May 29th..." "Schinzing’s name across his back is clearly seen in photos of him shirtless at the protest and inside the Justice Center office that was damaged, her affidavit says." "He was on probation for a domestic violence assault at the time the fire was set in the Justice Center. Schinzing was sentenced April 16 to five years of probation after he was found guilty of third-degree assault and attempted fourth-degree assault, admitting he had punched his girlfriend in the face with a closed fist in front of her 8-year-old son in a Northeast Portland apartment in late February. According to Multnomah County court records, Schinzing reported being homeless for the past two years. He has seven prior misdemeanor and two felony convictions." "
  7. Kinda like plantar fasciitis. ?
  8. 40' of cement sidewalk next to the house. 5x5 section at a time and daily trip to local Ace store for quickcrete. Started extended 12x5 patio in back. Will accent with pavers after Labor Day. Etched in concrete, "Wuhan 2020" Also finished 2 metal benches with new slats. Never new how hard it would be to find replacement slats. Finally had my BIL rip some redwood fence boards to make slats.
  9. Call Ripley's, I agree with you.
  10. Wassa matta fa youse gotta problem witah vice-a-versa?
  11. Retire please. Enjoy your family. Agreed.
  12. Re my previous post with my Officer Mueller encounter - 2 other guys in the car and my usually good natured shepherd/husky mix (not a lovable lab) wanted a piece of him. The officer really wanted to search the car but that did not happen. Still got 6 tickets though. Revenuer. Appreciate your insight with Pace family.
  13. They should let them break into the Federal building. Let them all in. Then lock the door behind them and give them all 10 years.
  14. I've always believed that everybody has a story (history). One doesn't always have to agree with another's story but you can sure learn a lot by listening.
  15. Ron ***** is being cancelled next week because of his last name.
  16. Uh no, I'm not the Geico guy living under the rock. I said the same thing when Antonio Callaway. got pulled over, No need to escalate the situation. I've been pulled over a couple times on HWY 101 as it is a money making operation for the police. Met a couple officers I did not like as well. I could tell you stories about Officer Mueller (his real name!). I was trying to keep this apolitical and don't think Ed needs to come to Portland and start protesting after midnight. I wish him well. PS Now if the 5''8" cops last name is Edelman that is another thing.
  17. Chill Ed. You handled it well and won. Now go have a great season.
  18. I like some homebrew ??
  19. To steal from Yolo this is Mayor Ted and Governor Kate:
  20. In the comments another video shows the white girl back fisting the black girl. However, why is someone filming this altercation from the beginning? Maybe there is even more that happens before the 2nd video.
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