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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. 60 days and counting!!!
  2. 93 days and counting!!!
  3. 130 days and counting!!!
  4. 140 days and counting!!!
  5. Only 144 days 'til the home opener! As usual, our hotel reservations are set, my leave has already been approved, and I'm ready to go!! Can't wait to see my TBD fam. And, it's Squish The Fish too.
  6. We had a wonderful time seein' our TBD fam last weekend. To those who will travel to the New Orleans and Pittsburgh games, we look forward to seein' you there. I considered not doin' the opinion posts this year, as it takes quite a while to compile notes from the game and then write the post. Plus, I realize they can be far too long for many. But, after bein' @ the tailgate and talkin' to folks who said they read 'em and appreciate 'em, and considerin' they're my labor of love, I have decided to forge ahead. Unfortunately, I am experiencin' problems w/ my laptop, so I will have to wait 'til the weekend to work on it, as we're still on vacation and won't be home 'til late tomorrow. I will post my Week 1 piece by Saturday.
  7. Psycho Ward 86 and I may be there some time later. We have plans for dinner a bit earlier.
  8. 6 days and counting!!!! Spent the day gettin' the car ready for the trip. Nice n' clean and ready to go. Thursday mornin' is when the festivities begin for us.
  9. 7 days and counting!!!! I know Psycho Ward 86 is lookin' forward to havin' some chicken wing soup from Danny's. Me too.
  10. 8 days and counting!!!! Mmm.......stromboli!!!!
  11. 10 days and counting!!!! It's almost here. A week from today, we'll be on our way to Western NY to prepare for Home Opener Weekend and the start of our week and a half vacation!
  12. Skip Bayless: ".....blah blah blah blah I'd take Landry Jones before EJ Manuel..." No further questions.
  13. I've tried to call you a few times and even sent texts, to no avail. Been wonderin' what's up w/ you, bro.
  14. 35 days and counting!!!! Five weeks from today! It's like a TBD Family Reunion, especially since there's so many folks who don't get to go to every home game (which for this season includes myself, as the opener is my only home game for 2013).
  15. 40 days and counting!!!! Five weeks from Thursday, we'll be in WNY visitin' family and gettin' ready for the festivities.
  16. 60 days and counting!!!!
  17. Okay folks. One new member had to unfortunately cancel out and I have not heard from five of the other new owners. So, we need 6 people who are interested and will be DEDICATED to makin' our league a success. We're nearly ready to start; I just need to get six owners in place and for 'em to make known the names of their teams and where they will play. After that, we'll begin an auction to stock our teams, then we will have our rookie draft. Once that is done, we will finalize our rosters and begin play. So, if you're interested, let me know.
  18. In honor of Hall of Famer Bruuuuuuce Smith, who recently turned 50, it's now... 78 days and counting!!!!
  19. 95 days and counting!!!!
  20. 110 days and counting!!!! Gettin' closer...
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