I hear ya on the dissatisfaction thing. After dealing w/ Verizon Online's crap for far too long, I decided to call up Comcast just to see what it would cost to switch from DSL to their cable modem. I figured it would be costly, especially since I've had DirecTV since I bought my home in 2001 and have no interest in switching to cable. So, this was just for my internet usage. Yeah, it cost me more (not nearly as much as I feared), but it's absolutely worth it to me to have reliable service and customer service that doesn't make me want to strangle someone. Once I decided to call Verizon back to cancel my DSL service, they tried all kinds of crap to get me to stay w/ 'em. Sorry, not interested. If you wanted to keep my service, try being a bit more professional and reliable. You weren't, so....see ya.
I've had zero issues w/ my Comcast service in the time since I made the switch.