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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. I just checked on her official website and it's true. They said she died Thursday of a brain aneurysm. Here's the link.
  2. Happy birthday, man! Maybe now you can email me those damn photos!!
  3. The NBA is all about money, money, money. They don't GARA about what any player thinks. Remember Magic Johnson's stint as coach of the Lakers? Yeah, his players really respected and listened well to him.
  4. Maybe there's a compromise to be reached: we all want the US to succeed in the Olympics and we root for the sport, but maybe there are certain players who make some feel like not wanting to root for the team. Personally, I'm just not that interested in the Olympics this year. The whole BALCO thing has me more disinterested in the Olympics, in particular the track and field, than I've ever been. And I love track, being a former high school and college track athlete. I still love my country and hope they do well, but I'm not interested enough to watch and follow it this time around.
  5. Congrats. I hope it goes well for you. One day, I hope to go back and get my Math degree, too. If there's any way to make that tailgate, you should.
  6. Cool photos, Glenn. Speaking of fun times, what's the deal with you not coming up for the Bills-Ravens game, Chris?
  7. Good analogy.
  8. Damon's is cool, but now that I have Sunday Ticket, I'm glad to not have to pay those $60 bills every Sunday.
  9. Yes, the tailgate is at the bar. It's not far from the stadium (maybe 2 blocks) and the ownership is very good to deal with. Anyone can go there, whether they plan on attending the game or if they intend to watch the game at the bar.
  10. "I know you are, but what am I?" "A garbage man." "I know you are, but what am I?" "A garbage man." "I know you are, but what am I?" "A garbage man." "I know you are, but what am I?" "A garbage man."
  11. I thought it was Springton.
  12. Hahaha!!! I guess I do, too. I hope that's not the reason they won't be at the tailgate, though.
  13. WHAT??!! No Chris and Teresa? No, that's not happening without a damn good reason! Unless it's some kind of emergency, they had better be there.
  14. The Duff's we went to is the one in Orchard Park (3000 Orchard Park Rd); is that the new one you referred to? I don't know. Anyway, that's where we'll be. No time has been set. We can decide that as the date gets closer.
  15. Yeah, Hammer's Lot is pretty close to where Big Tree is. You'll see it clearly. WGR is doing their show from the lot again, so they'll be set up there. Usually, TBD is right in the front of the lot; you'll see the tent. If you're going to be in town on the 10th, maybe you'd like to go to dinner with some of us? A few of us went to Duff's for dinner and drinks, and we plan to go again this year.
  16. My advice would be to check eBay, the Ravens message board, the Baltimore Sun classifieds (available on sunspot.net), and/or the various ticket brokers. The game is sold out, so it will be tough to find good seats at a reasonable price.
  17. The online draft is scheduled for this Sunday, August 29th, at 1:45pm EST. Just go to the league home page a few minutes before the draft starts and you can access the draft room from there. Those who can't be there online, make sure that you pre-rank your players to your specifications. If not, Yahoo! will make your picks for you using the default rankings. Good luck.
  18. Somehow, we're down to 9 players. I thought we had 10, so someone must have dropped out. Anyway, here's the information for those who are interested: [This is a FREE league on Yahoo!] League ID#: 17356 League Name: R. Rich's Buffalo Bills League Password: BILZBALL072483 Draft Type: Live Draft Draft Time: Sun Sep 5 1:00pm EDT [ Add to My Calendar ] Max Teams: 10 Scoring Type: Head-to-Head Start Scoring on: Week 1 Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo! Sports Max Moves: No maximum Max Trades: No maximum Trade Reject Time: 2 Trade End Date: November 19, 2004 Trade Review: League Votes Waiver Time: 2 days Post Draft Players: Follow Waiver Rules Playoffs: Week 15 and 16 (4 teams) Roster Positions: QB, WR, RB, TE, WR/RB, WR/RB, WR/RB, K, D, DB, DL, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN Stat Categories: Completions (1) Passing Yards (50 yards per point) Passing Touchdowns (6) Interceptions (-2) Rushing Yards (10 yards per point) Rushing Touchdowns (6) Receptions (1) Reception Yards (10 yards per point) Reception Touchdowns (6) Return Yards (25 yards per point) Return Touchdowns (6) 2-Point Conversions (2) Fumbles Lost (-2) Offensive Fumble Return TD (6) Field Goals 0-19 Yards (3) Field Goals 20-29 Yards (3) Field Goals 30-39 Yards (3) Field Goals 40-49 Yards (4) Field Goals 50+ Yards (5) Point After Attempt Made (1) Tackle Solo (1) Sack (3) Interception (2) Fumble Force (2) Fumble Recovery (2) Touchdown (6) Safety (2) Pass Defended (1) Block Kick (2) Fractional Points: No Negative Points: Yes
  19. Actually, we're still working on the guest list. Thanks for helping me on one particular decision.
  20. Haha!! You'll lose.
  21. Same here, Bledsoe1. Look for me at Hammer's Lot at the opener. Oh, and thanks for the nice words over at BB.com too.
  22. Only my friends can see ME.
  23. It may be time to go to the 5 day a week plan then (Tuesday-Saturday).
  24. Why won't he graduate?
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