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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. George is lost. Isn't there a Yankees thread you should be posting in?
  2. I'll use all 3. On our older computer, I downloaded SpyBot and AdAware, and we were still being plagued with popups and spyware. Maybe with the Dell, we'll have better luck.
  3. Still waiting for your damn email.
  4. Only my friends know for sure.
  5. I still have one more spot open for a free Yahoo! league. Here's the details, including the date and time of the draft and scoring info: League ID#: 17356 League Name: R. Rich's Buffalo Bills League Password: BILZBALL072483 Draft Type: Live Draft Draft Time: Sun Sep 5 1:00pm EDT [ Add to My Calendar ] Max Teams: 10 Scoring Type: Head-to-Head Start Scoring on: Week 1 Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo! Sports Max Moves: No maximum Max Trades: No maximum Trade Reject Time: 2 Trade End Date: November 19, 2004 Trade Review: League Votes Waiver Time: 2 days Post Draft Players: Follow Waiver Rules Playoffs: Week 15 and 16 (4 teams) Roster Positions: QB, WR, RB, TE, WR/RB, WR/RB, WR/RB, K, D, DB, DL, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN Stat Categories: Completions (1) Passing Yards (50 yards per point) Passing Touchdowns (6) Interceptions (-2) Rushing Yards (10 yards per point) Rushing Touchdowns (6) Receptions (1) Reception Yards (10 yards per point) Reception Touchdowns (6) Return Yards (25 yards per point) Return Touchdowns (6) 2-Point Conversions (2) Fumbles Lost (-2) Offensive Fumble Return TD (6) Field Goals 0-19 Yards (3) Field Goals 20-29 Yards (3) Field Goals 30-39 Yards (3) Field Goals 40-49 Yards (4) Field Goals 50+ Yards (5) Point After Attempt Made (1) Tackle Solo (1) Sack (3) Interception (2) Fumble Force (2) Fumble Recovery (2) Touchdown (6) Safety (2) Pass Defended (1) Block Kick (2) Fractional Points: No Negative Points: Yes
  6. I still see only 9 registered. I'll check back shortly before the draft is set to begin.
  7. You sure? According to the league site, you have 9 registered players. Is there someone you know who just hasn't registered yet?
  8. Beer? Mmmm....................beeeeeeeeeeer!!!!!
  9. If you want to join the free league, the information is in the fantasy football forum. If you want to join the keeper league, let me know and I'll send you the details.
  10. Anyone interested in doing another free Yahoo! league or a pay keeper league in Yahoo!?
  11. I'd seriously consider keeping Darrel Jackson as the 3rd, in addition to Taylor and Holmes. He's an up and coming talent at WR. Moulds is good and McNair is coming off a great season as well, which makes the choice that much tougher (it is very hard to give up 2 outstanding players for a guy who hasn't performed as well to date). For me, it would come down to one of the three (Moulds, McNair, Jackson).
  12. No 'flaming' necessary here. I am a fantasy football junkie. I will probably end up with a dozen different teams this year. Heck, I even moderate the fantasy football forum here at TBD! I can't help it. I love football; fantasy football has given me a reason to not only watch more NFL games (thanks to the Sunday Ticket we have!), but to pay attention to them to monitor my players. I can see how it wouldn't be everyone's thing, though. Heck, I feel the same way about reality TV that you do about fantasy football. In the end, it's just something you have to deal with. Just like reality TV, fantasy football is going nowhere any time soon.
  13. Believe me, I'm no big deal. At all. I was happy to help out. I'm also looking to fill a couple leagues I'm in (2 in a keeper league and 1 in a free league), so I know how it is.
  14. Why do you all insist on calling Mike Pucillo 'Pussywillow'? Where did you ever get that from?
  15. The main thing Brown needs to do is stay low and protect the football when he runs. Besides that, he's not bad at all.
  16. We 'knew ye' painfully well on 4th downs and kickoffs.
  17. Williams sucks. See how Chris Brown just abused him? Aren't you all glad we didn't draft him?
  18. I wasn't in the group picture last year. I will be this time around, 'cause I plan on being there MUCH earlier than last year! I'll have my camera; in fact, I'll probably have 2.
  19. I said I want to go; I didn't say I could afford to go. I have vacation time coming up next week (vacation starts next Thursday), so there's no spare time for anything else.
  20. You make some decent points there, but what have you seen that indicates that: a.) The touchdowns will come b.) Price should start over Sullivan c.) The offensive line will be much improved d.) McGahee will get stronger as things move along I'm trying to be as optimistic as I can, but I'd still like some signs of good things to come. So far, there haven't been many such signs. I still haven't given up, as there's still some time left before the Jacksonville game and anything can happen (guys can step up and play well, some free agent could be signed to upgrade a position of need, etc.). I continue to hope for the best.
  21. This was discussed earlier. Preseason RECORDS mean nothing; preseason TENDENCIES mean a whole lot more. Are guys fumbling the ball, jumping offsides, missing tackles, blowing coverage assignments, etc. becuase it's preseason? If these things do not happen to the same degree they're happening now once the regular season begins, I'll be happy.
  22. Just as we shouldn't be saying 'it's over' or 'there's no hope' at a bad start to preseason, it's just as wrong to write off each and every mistake with the trusty old "it's only preseason". Somewhere in the middle is where we should be: there are issues that need to be worked on, but those issues have not damned the entire season for us just yet.
  23. Preseason RECORDS don't mean anything. Carrying tendencies over into the regular season (poor fundamentals, bad habits, etc.) does. There is still time to work on those things, but they'd better get to it. The regular season shouldn't be the time to recognize and start correcting mistakes. That's what this time is for.
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