I'm looking forward to seeing everyone either tomorrow at Nick Tahou's, Saturday night at Danny's, Sunday at the tailgate/game, or all of the above.
I want to take a moment to reflect upon what happened to me 17 years ago today. I was in college at Shippensburg University at the school-sponsored non alcoholic 'dance club' they held at the student union. This cute little girl came over to ask me to dance (as my friend and I were proceeding to head to a party that had alcohol!). I asked her if she was sure if she wanted to dance with me. She said yes. So, we danced together that night and made plans to see each other the next week (dance was held every Wednesday night). So began the 17 year journey that has been my life with Psycho Ward 86. Thanks for the dance, honey. Only 9 more days until our 5th wedding anniversary, which also is 17 years from when we began dating. I can't wait!