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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. Rude is my all-time favorite wrestler. With the exception of Ric Flair, nobody could talk smack like he could. The Rock was close, but still not as good as Rude. I agree about wrestling being ruined, but not by Lauper or Mr T. To me, it was ruined by the lack of competition for McMahon's WWF, which allowed him to turn pro wrestling from a fun, soap opera-ish show with colorful characters, to a testament to cursing and showing as much T&A as possible. Back when it was more cartoonish, I could watch it with my 6 year old niece, who loved it. Now, even I don't want to watch that crap. Mick Foley was a self-created superstar; a guy who made it in spite of his shortcomings. You gotta respect that. Though I do feel sorry for his family. He seemed to 'get it' in that documentary when he saw how his family reacted to seeing him being blasted in the head with a steel chair by The Rock. He mentioned that he wouldn't put them through that again. But, he just can't stay away. I really hope he doesn't end up an invalid or something. ECW was filled with good talent waiting for their big break (RVD, Tazz, Stone Cold, etc.), but the way Paul Heyman ran that company is much like the way McMahon runs the WWF (or WWE) today. Trashy.
  2. In regards to this year, who has?
  3. ...those who whine about those who whine about the Bills will say if we win against the Patriots next week.
  4. Not that old. I remember those days. When Superstar had to retire (hip), that was rough. He even admitted that his steroid abuse is what screwed him up so bad. I was always a fan of the tag team wrestling, especially when the heels had the championship. In WWF, teams like the late Adrian Adonis and Dick Murdoch, the Hart Foundation (before they became fan favorites), and the Dream Team (Greg Valentine/Brutus Beefcake) were good champions who were fun to watch. In WCW, I was a big Harlem Heat fan, but I also liked Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, The Midnight Express (original team of Rose and Condrey), Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater (they weren't great wrestlers, but man could they kick a**!), and Manny Fernandez and the late Rick Rude, to name just a few.
  5. Maybe I'll have to either tape it or Tivo it next week. It looks like quite a few of you seem to like it. Wednesday night, I usually watch the A&E shows, but I might start taping them too now that CSI: New York is on that night.
  6. I thought that Teague was put at tackle during his first camp with the Bills. That was also when Jennings was tried at center, wasn't it? I thought that neither of them performed that well where they were, so they were switched. I could be wrong on that. Also, just as Fontenot obviously wasn't as necessary to New Orleans, Teague wasn't to Denver either. There were no rivers of tears shed when he left. Even if the Bills hadn't signed him, he was not going to be their starter at LT any more.
  7. Yeah, I remember that. Earthquake (John Tenta) was a hot item for a while, even earning a WrestleMania title shot against Hogan at one time. Martel was a joke as "The Model". His earlier career, even before the Can-Am Connection with him and Tom Zenk, was Martel at his best.
  8. I agree. Plus, it was more fun back then. Now, they just cater to the lowest common denominator to get their ratings. It used to be something I could watch with my niece, who was about 5 or 6 at the time (she liked Papa Shango, the voodoo character who also wrestled under Kama and The Godfather). Now, it looks like something that should be on Cinemax. Garbage.
  9. Yeah. Nailz used to taunt the Boss Man with those videos ("I'm coming for you. Blah blah blah...") and then one day, during the Boss Man's match, he just came into the ring, handcuffed him to the ropes, and starting beating the crap out of him with the Boss Man's own nightstick. Brutal.
  10. Yeah, I remember that storyline. You're right stoj; wrestling is nothing like it used to be. In fact, it just plain sucks. I haven't watched any pro wrestling programs in probably 2 or 3 years. It just isn't worth my time anymore.
  11. Damn. That's sad. He had a long standing feud with my all-time favorite wrestler, the late Ravishing Rick Rude, that was classic. Maybe they'll get to continue their feud now. RIP.
  12. Now hear this....
  13. Scalpers!
  14. Take him. Why the heck would anyone just drop him, instead of benching him and picking up another RB as a fill-in?
  15. Wow. Good thing I haven't opened the one I bought Tuesday at Wal-Mart. I'll be taking this back and buying the one at BJ's. Good thing we recently renewed our membership there.
  16. Anything is possible, I guess.
  17. Have a wonderful birthday!
  18. Only if we can get an offense.
  19. The defense has been good at getting INTs and sacks, to an unrealistic degree, in Madden for the past 2 versions. Same with OL getting pancake blocks. I've had games where the OL will have 12-15 pancakes in ONE GAME!! And they say Madden is a realistic game? There is no such thing! They are trying to make it tougher to pass and do things like return kicks (which used to be a breeze not only in Madden, but in EA Sports' NCAA football games-my favorite- as well), but it still isn't realistic.
  20. Once and for all?
  21. Thanks, Lori. I have it in my 'Penn State football' folder in Favorites now.
  22. Awesome news! Oh yes, I'll be there for the Halloween game and we will get together then! And, like last year, I'll be bringing my Marvin Gaye collection to jam to! See you then; no excuses from me this time. I will be there!
  23. Willis should get faster first. The burst he had at The U seems like ages ago.
  24. I thought that too, Kelly, but HS said he had someone do the figures for both QBs during their Buffalo tenure. Drew had a huge advantage in passing yardage (7,500 or so compared to RJ's 4,700 or so), but they were almost even in sacks and RJ had a better completion % too.
  25. I just have to know: is it REALLY true that RJ had a 95 QB rating while in Buffalo and Drew is hovering around 78???
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