Rude is my all-time favorite wrestler. With the exception of Ric Flair, nobody could talk smack like he could. The Rock was close, but still not as good as Rude.
I agree about wrestling being ruined, but not by Lauper or Mr T. To me, it was ruined by the lack of competition for McMahon's WWF, which allowed him to turn pro wrestling from a fun, soap opera-ish show with colorful characters, to a testament to cursing and showing as much T&A as possible. Back when it was more cartoonish, I could watch it with my 6 year old niece, who loved it. Now, even I don't want to watch that crap.
Mick Foley was a self-created superstar; a guy who made it in spite of his shortcomings. You gotta respect that. Though I do feel sorry for his family. He seemed to 'get it' in that documentary when he saw how his family reacted to seeing him being blasted in the head with a steel chair by The Rock. He mentioned that he wouldn't put them through that again. But, he just can't stay away. I really hope he doesn't end up an invalid or something.
ECW was filled with good talent waiting for their big break (RVD, Tazz, Stone Cold, etc.), but the way Paul Heyman ran that company is much like the way McMahon runs the WWF (or WWE) today. Trashy.