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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. Yeah, man. Get up, stand up! Stand up for your rights.
  2. My wife likes Metallica. She tried to get me into them, but I just don't care for most of their stuff. They have a few decent songs here and there, but that's about it.
  3. See what I mean, BFL? Mark's post is a prime example of what I said. We're being sarcastic at the desperate situation we Bills fans seem to be in due to 'issues' with the quarterbacking.
  4. What a dilemma! I have Lewis in my keeper league. What will I do that weekend? Yeah. What a tough choice that will be.
  5. That's the point a lot of us are making with different posts: we all need to calm down about Losman.
  6. There's always Zolman.
  7. Dear Erynthered, That's my favorite flavor. Signed, Any Bills Offensive Lineman In '04(so far)
  8. Just because ICE says JP starts the Cardinals game.
  9. "Help us, JP Wan Kenobi. You're our only hope."
  10. I thought this was a thread about ICE. My bad.
  11. A Slick Willie classic.
  12. What?? I would never do that to a fellow TBDer that I respect.
  13. If they're not US citizens, visitors with the proper credentials, or lawfully admitted permanent residents, then WHO CARES?!! Come on now: laws that are unfair to illegal immigrants?!! How stupid. One question, though: what IS the definition of "illigal"?
  14. I don't know. That's the sad thing about it.
  15. Alright! Something to look forward to seeing posted on the Wall.
  16. Now, we just need the guys who will be on the field on Sunday to feel the same way and be committed to correcting those mistakes.
  17. He was on that American Idol show. My wife likes him, so I asked her if she'd be interested in going there to see him in concert. She said yes, so now we have a date. That's a big deal for us 'old folks'.
  18. You were there too?
  19. I hug just about everyone. Don't take it too personal.
  20. You were there, MadCap? Did I meet you?
  21. Well, they do say, "once you go black...."
  22. Cool. I'll be there. Since he has the big bucks, JP can buy for all of us.
  23. My wife and I are going to see Ruben Studdard in concert there tonight.
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