I used to catch Bruno when he was on ESPN Radio. He used to crack me up with his anti Dallas Cowboys tirades. He'd always play that clip of Jimmy Johnson screaming "How 'bout dem Cowboys?" and make fun of them. I miss that stuff.
Notice I didn't try to come to your defense here, Tony. I know you're a big boy and can fight your own battles.
On a side note, way to kick my butt in fantasy football.........punk!
Hey, if it's something that interests me, I'd check it out. I don't care how many posts a person has. This one just invites more political banter which is better suited on the PPP board. That's what it was set up for.
Well said, Ned.
This game has been sold out even BEFORE individual game tickets went on sale as the season ticket holders bought the last few remaining before the public had a chance to.