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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. I hear ya. Hull is one of my all-time favorite Bills, if not my favorite. He's the one I want to see in Canton someday. I realize it probably won't happen, but he does have the credentials to make it.
  2. Getting back to the question, no, I don't think there will be a trade before the deadline for the Bills. Too bad. It would be nice to be able to bring in a quality center and guard.
  3. A whole box of JuicyFruit????
  4. And for good reason, too.
  5. By the way, welcome to the Wall, k_gun!! It's a great place to hang out.
  6. Damn, Stuck. Are you trying to get k_gun to end up looking like that guy in the movie Seven?
  7. Good point, FormerlyGuestJason76. A good pass rush would dramatically upgrade our defense, which is pretty good to begin with.
  8. That remains to be seen. We don't need to sign a bunch of high priced free agents. Look at New England. They had the 23rd highest, or should I say lowest, payroll in the league last year. More than big contract players, we need big time players under contract.
  9. Not those perverts! Hey GG, how come I didn't see you at the opener? And, are you coming to the Ravens game on the 24th?
  10. Well said. All of it. The Bills should get under control the things they can control. If they do that, none of that other stuff will matter much.
  11. Agreed. Whenever those preseason "how will we do" or "what will our record be" posts appear, I usually don't answer those, because I don't get into the numbers part. The only thing I'd like is to NOT have the same damn discussion every offseason (OL problems, Bledsoe's ineffective play, poor coverage by safeties, lack of pass rush). It would be nice to be able to note how some, if not all, of those problems were properly addressed by the Bills and then be able to discuss how much better they looked after those adjustments. We can dream, I guess.
  12. Hahaha!!! Damn, Guff. That's harsh.
  13. I'm still laughing at this one: Hahahaha!!!! This really should be a sig line for someone!
  14. Mmmmmm.................roast beef!
  15. Told ya. He's mean.
  16. Sounds like a busy weekend, Ray. Don't forget to add "think of a way to get to the Bills-Ravens tailgate/game" to the list also.
  17. I may just have to go to that Damon's near the stadium, then. If I can hurry up and get there and get a seat, that is. Am I going to the Steeler game? Oh yeah. Of the 9 Bills-Steelers games held at RICH, I've been to 8 of them and up until the '01 game, the Bills had won them all. I want payback this time!
  18. How bad is it when Hank Williams calls you desperate?
  19. We'll acutally be staying at the Red Roof Inn in Monroeville. We're trying to hook up with the couple that my Mother got the tickets from (they're friends of the family and they live in Monroeville too) for dinner Saturday night. We'll be driving back home after the game, but I might try to talk my wife into stopping at a sports bar or a place like Damon's so we can watch the Bills game.
  20. Without question.
  21. The reason is quite simple, actually. It's been told to me many times here on the board. We're all just pencil neck geeks who probably have never played the game before.
  22. When I asked Mark about it, he said he's going to be involved in something else that day, so it doesn't look like we'll be using his sauce, unless they buy it from him. I am coming up there for the night game vs New England. Sidbuff will be there also.
  23. Now that they have a location at Heinz Field, trust me, that is THE main reason I'm looking forward to going there!
  24. There's no argument here, so don't look for one. My comment was directed at society in general, NOT to CBS or the legal system in particular. The same people who flew off the handle about the Janet Jackson issue don't mind seeing commercials where the underlying message is to lie to people or steal from someone (that one with the rocks in the fridge?) or even promote promiscuity (the one where the guy says,"...I don't even know this woman's name..."). That, to me, is hypocrisy.
  25. Maybe it was inflated to reflect the current economy?
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