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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. True. I do like the "These Are The 80s" show on that channel. Reminds me of when MTV first began and videos were cheezy pieces of crap to laugh at.
  2. I wonder if it's as 'good' as his rendition of Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. Now that's a classic!
  3. MTV? You mean "Dude TV"? It's become the channel of the slackers ("Duuuuuude, where's my skateboard?"), which is why I will not watch it.
  4. Smart man. I tivo the Primetime show as well. I also subscribe to the ESPN Insider package, which allows me to watch PTI whenever I want online. No need to sit through the annoying hip hop crap that seemingly EVERY sportcaster on ESPN likes to do nowadays.
  5. I don't drink beer.
  6. There couldn't have been that many. Maybe 3 at the most, I'd say. Does anyone else think that the Olsen twins look a lot like the Sleestaks?
  7. For making a 47 yard punt into a 30mph wind, he deserves this honor. Way to go!
  8. The Packers have over 31,000 votes, while we have just under 1,500. Click For Cans
  9. Didn't Rice also have a problem with Montana being named MVP of one of the Super Bowls they won when he thought he should have been? I can't recall, but I thought he made some statements in the press about that. What a shame.
  10. You win a free beating the next time I see you.
  11. Psycho Ward 86 and I will be there for that game as well.
  12. Probably not. I'll be coming to the game with a good friend from Erie and we probably won't even leave there until about 9am. I should get to the stadium around 11am or 11:30am.
  13. 24?? Man, I can drink that much! Are you nuts? I barely even drink beer. Just ask Mark VI.
  14. So do I, Rock. Still, maybe I'll run into you at Nick Tahou's a week from tomorrow.
  15. I'll try. That's okay, though. I'll see you next weekend for the Cardinals game.
  16. I finally put back the link to last year's photos from the tailgate/game. I also posted this in the Baltimore/Washington Area Events forum. Here's the link to photos from the 2003 Bills @ Ravens Preseason Game Tailgate. You'll need the password info: email address: RRich@GoBills.net Password (all CAPS): BUFPIX87
  17. Here's the link to photos from the 2003 Bills @ Ravens Preseason Game Tailgate. You'll need the password info: email address: RRich@GoBills.net Password (all CAPS): BUFPIX87
  18. Coverage has always been a weak spot for Fletcher. But, you're right, he does seem to have a problem with these penalties and poor behavior. This just doesn't seem like him at all. I have to hope he'll get it together soon.
  19. Who said something about our girl?
  20. You have the right to feel that way, so why would I flame away at you? The double standard you referred to is generic and applies to basically anyone. It's the same reason women are offended by rap songs calling women "bitches" or "ho's", yet a song called "I'm A B word" by a FEMALE pop singer becomes a smash hit. In terms of the 'N word', a lot of blacks kind of adopted the term to lessen its impact when whites use it againt us. Personally, I try to steer clear of it, even with my family and black friends.
  21. It sure is tough to get. You may want to chance it at the game by seeing who has tickets available outside. Be careful if you do that, though. Otherwise, check with eBay and the brokers to see what you can find. I hope we'll see you both at our tailgate at Sliders if you can find tickets. Then again, maybe you'll think of making the trip regardless. You'd get a chance to meet some of the regulars here and there will be people from other Bills boards as well. Everyone is welcome.
  22. Yes, that football deserved to die. And I hope it burns in Hell!!!
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