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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. And a partridge in a pear tree.......
  2. Let's sign him. At least he could be a quality backup in a pinch. Oh yeah. He's dead. Damn.
  3. A case of Schlitz?
  4. He only moves like him.
  5. I'll take one of those cases.
  6. They are not animals! They are human beings! They are.........men.
  7. It would depend on if there were any supplemental picks or compensatory picks involved. Basically, we'll end up with the top pick in round 2 if we end up dead last.
  8. There aren't that many great ones around, for sure. I do like the Law and Order shows, especially Criminal Intent. I also like the CSI shows. Basically, I like crime dramas the best. They usually have better writing and acting than sitcoms.
  9. Don't be sad. It could be worse: we could be 1-5...................... oops.
  10. Shock? No. Disgust? Probably, especially if he neglects the offensive line again. Please no more late round busts, Donahoe! Get us a quality G and C this time!!!
  11. There's NO WAY I could ever give up on Blue. This year, they decided to run the episodes consecutively, so there's none of that mid-season replacement crap bogging things down.
  12. LT's do tend to be overpaid. Even though interior OL are every bit as vital to protecting a QB (and we can attest to this, knowing how vulnerable Bledsoe is to blitzes up the middle), LTs get all the glory of being the QB's blindside protector. For that reason, they do get the big bucks. I could see someone paying Jonas a big contract, but it would be a mistake.
  13. I loved St Elsewhere at first. It got kinda stale, but for a while, it was outstanding. I think those episodes are available on DVD, though I'm not 100% sure about that. I may be thinking of only the VHS availability. Hill Street used to be available through Columbia House on VHS, but not any more. You can find a "best of" floating around at some places, like Amazon.com and others. I'm waiting for the release on DVD though. I know it will happen at some point, especially when you see how many series are being released and how well they're doing in sales. Hill Street didn't have huge ratings like most shows, but had a diehard core of fans, like myself, that kept it on the air for 6 years and would love to own it on DVD.
  14. Actually, the IA guy, Martens, was instrumental last season in getting Hatcher off the force. He and Andy have more of an 'understanding' than a friendship. Bale surprised me. He may be coming around, despite what he thinks and what he said at the end. It'll be interesting to see how they do the scenes between Sipowicz and Simone. I hope it isn't too cheesy. Man, am I going to miss this show when this year's run is done. I have the first season on DVD, but I need to buy the other ones available. One day, I'll not only have all of these, but maybe by then they'll finally put my all-time favorite series out on DVD: Hill Street Blues!!!!
  15. I should be. My friend will have his cell phone with him, so I'll track them down if I can't find the spot.
  16. Actually, if I had more time to take off, I would've tried to go to the meeting. They're just never around a time that I'm up in the area. For instance, I'll be there on Friday, but this month's meeting is already over.
  17. I've been a booster for 2 years and I didn't take offense to it. I even laughed at it. I thought it was funny.
  18. I hear you. I wonder just how different things would be if Donahoe were not hired to be the Prez/GM.
  19. ..."Teflon Dork"?
  20. Year 9 of Donahoe's 3 year plan. Stay tuned.
  21. Why?
  22. I do agree with you that Mularkey has made plenty of mistakes, many of which you pointed out. Now, you mentioned that "Donahoe gave hime Evans and McGahee". Well, he also gave him Dylan McFarland, Mike Pucillo, and Mike Williams as well. How'd those moves pan out? To reiterate: NO ONE PLAYER, COACH, GM, OR OWNER IS TO BLAME!!!!!!!! Everyone can lay a claim to this.
  23. It will come back soon.
  24. No, I'm not kidding. He has contributed, to be fair, but he also has had bad drops in numerous games, NOT just the Ravens game. Again, if you read the post, I don't point the blame at one particular player or unit. Our problems are widespread and just about everyone can have their fair share of blame. Maybe Moorman might get off the hook.........maybe.
  25. Should we stick with the "yeah, we're 1-5, but we can win this week because of____" threads, Rock? Or, the oh so popular, "it's _________'s fault..." threads?
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