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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. I'm still trying to figure out what they mean by sarcasm. Hmm... I'll post something about the trip tonight. That way, I can post the photos I took as well.
  2. I was thinking the same thing. I guess you can't escape the politics today, it being election day and all.
  3. Actually, I did have on shorts and a T shirt.
  4. You can't be that negative? Well, then, you suck!
  5. I'll be watching it with the End Zone Crew. I wanna see this whole megaphone thing happen.
  6. What's sarcasm?
  7. Hahaha!!!! Good one, NG.
  8. Too bad her jaw hasn't fallen off yet, huh?
  9. I guess I'll let you in on my secret: I'm really John Clayton.
  10. Direct shots at posters should be eliminated? How else will a good portion of people here respond in the "Bledsoe sucks" threads? We need our daily dosage of "you're an assclown", "you don't agree with me.......you must be stupid", or one of my favorites that has been thrown my way at times, "you're probably some pencil-necked geek who never played the game before, so what do you know?".
  11. Oh, Dan. You can do so much better. Maybe your mind is preoccupied with the elections today.
  12. Your response was 7 words too long, Ken.
  13. Yeah, it sucks. I stopped watching after The Rock's character started to get boring. None of the others were interesting enough to keep my attention.
  14. I agree. I mentioned how I think Edwards will be a standout WR in the pros (if he remains healthy) because he has great hands as well as good athleticism. He catches just about anything thrown his way!
  15. Agreed. When my 20 year old niece was around 8-10, she used to watch the WWF with me. There's no way I'd watch pro wrestling with a young kid any more. Heck, I don't even want to watch that filth now!
  16. I'm not that sold on Jennings. We can do better in free agency if it comes to that. If there is any way to get a deal done with a guy like Walter Jones, I'd MUCH rather see that happen than to pay a bunch of money to a guy who is decent at best. BTW, I like your username. More than ANY Bill, he's the guy I want to see enshrined in Canton!
  17. I watched pretty regularly until Vince McMahon was able to buy the WCW. It seemed like it was around that time that wrestling went from something fun to watch to being trash. There's no interesting personalities anymore. All they care about is showing as much T&A as possible and having their guys swear up a storm. Maybe they should try to get better writing and create good characters and storylines again.
  18. ...and if you don't exercise your right to vote, then shut up! Don't complain about things and then not have the guts to do your part to change them.
  19. What's the alternative? Our personnel is not that great. We would need an overhaul, which, if it does happen, will be this offseason. Knowing Donahoe's track record with addressing the offensive line, I wouldn't bet on it.
  20. I'd do it. Smith is good, but Leftwich is getting more and more comfortable with his other receivers too. Chambers looks like he's finally starting to do something this year and McMichael isn't too bad either.
  21. I tape all the Bills games too, ever since we got DirecTV in 2001. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. Oh well.
  22. Someone should just kick that "dude's" ass...............................if they could.
  23. The guy seemed to be pretty messed up. Sad story.
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