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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. I'm not on the home computer, stuck. I'm still @ the office. I was trying to avoid going through a long, frustrating battle with the Dell tech support people. I've gotten a lot of good advice. Thanks to those who offered help.
  2. That sounds risky. What's all involved?
  3. That sucks if that is what the problem is. Am I responsible for that, or will Dell either reimburse me for getting one or send a replacement card? More than likely, I'm on my own, huh?
  4. I figured I'd get more of a response here and since I'll be off work soon, I was hoping to get some feedback before I left. It's probably the same reason a lot of fantasy football questions get asked here instead of the fantasy football forum. It's no big deal.
  5. Actually, it did beep around 4 times when I tried to turn it on this morning, then the monitor went to that amber color.
  6. I'll look into it, Jack.
  7. Hahaha!!! Maybe I should try that one. I checked into this one for someone before, but I don't think it helped them any.
  8. I don't know if this is a problem that tech support can fix or one that I'll have to contact maintenance for. Anyway, this morning, I noticed that the monitor on our home computer won't come on for some reason. The light stays that amber color, as if it is still in 'sleep mode'. Both the monitor and the CPU work; when I disconnect the CPU from the monitor, the light then goes to green and I get a test pattern. But, when I try to hook it back up to the CPU, the light stays that amber color. I've tried shutting it down, disconnecting all wires and cables then reconnecting them, and I still get the same result. Does anyone here know if it's something serious, or am I just missing a step somewhere that will get it working again? I'm asking here because I dread making another long, annoying call to Dell's tech support staff. If I have to go that route, of course I will, but if I can fix it without resorting to contacting them, that would be so much better.
  9. Penn State can play in the Program Is In Big Trouble And No Relief Is In Sight Any Time Soon Bowl. They'll win that one, as they'd be the only team playing. There's always next year, I guess. [sigh]
  10. The Bowl Championship Series, or BCS (or BS, according to many) determines the participants in the national championship game each year, which rotates between a handful of bowls, the Rose Bowl being among them. This year, the Orange Bowl will host the national title.
  11. I'll do it.
  12. Alberts comes off bitter and abrasive because it's the image he's molded for himself on TV. He feels he has to be "the jerk" when he's on camera, much like Sean Salisbury has become for ESPN. That's a shame, because they both know the game quite well, but they're too busy being WWF-like characters instead of just being broadcasters.
  13. I've watched their games a lot this season, as I only saw about 2, maybe 3 Utes games all of last year and I wanted to get a closer look at RG Chris Kemoeatu, who I still hope the Bills can draft this year. This year, they have been awesome. Not only in scoring points in bunches, but in the way they just dismantle their opponents on a weekly basis. This team has the killer instinct that teams like Oklahoma, Miami, West Virginia, Va Tech, and Texas simply don't have. Not saying those other teams aren't good, but they have had the tendency this season to let teams they should beat easily play with them and, in some instances, actually beat them. Not Utah. They are taking care of business with a ruthless presicion I only wish Penn State had.
  14. Pittsburgh's OL is HEALTHY this year, and that's the difference. Just think, they don't even have Kendall Simmons, their standout RG who is out. Keydrick Vincent is playing quite well in his place. Big Ben is playing well because he is good. Let's not take that away from him. He's playing with the same components that Maddox played with and he's doing better than Maddox. Roethlisberger is the real deal, folks. He's not some fluke. Losman? Well, he IS the savior of the Bills, Darin. He and Willis are the two big reasons we will be in the Super Bowl this year. Oh yeah, those two and McNally.
  15. Yes it does, though with McGahee running as well as he has recently, there is hope that the offense will at least be effective enough to give the Bills what they need to win some games down the stretch.
  16. I won't allow any other racists here.
  17. One of the guys who was in a touring production of Stomp was the drummer for a group I really like called 24-7 Spyz. His name is Anthony Johnson. He's an excellent drummer. I don't think he was in the Stomp production we saw in Baltimore though.
  18. I saw Stomp in Baltimore back in '96. Great show! Did they do the thing where they come in wearing the big oil drums as shoes? I loved that part. I also loved the part where they made music with a bunch of discarded trash (a soda cup and straw, food wrapper, etc.).
  19. No, no........that fumble wasn't Drew's fault. Haven't you been reading this thread? It was TRAVIS! Yeah, that's it! Travis forced that fumble. And F you for not realizing that fact. No room on the bandwagon.
  20. I don't think he was bickering at McNabb at all. After falling behind early, McNabb was pouting on the sidelines as if the game was over already. Owens was trying to snap him out of that, because they needed him if they were going to get back into the game.
  21. I actually lost the feed for about a quarter or so. It did come back early in the 2nd half. I figure I missed about an hour or so of the game, tape-wise.
  22. Thanks a lot, DirecTV!! This sucks. Fortunately, this game is on local TV here, so I can watch it, but my tape got screwed up.
  23. Utah really is overrated, aren't they? All they do is what the good teams are supposed to do: beat the teams they're supposed to beat. Easily. Miami went into their game against UNC overconfident, and came out with a loss on a last second FG. Texas A&M played their hearts out and nearly beat the #2 team in the nation. Imagine if their QB had not gotten hurt. Hmmm.... OH, by the way....how did Utah fare against UNC and A&M? Utah 41 UNC 21 Utah 46 A&M 16 Yeah, Trev. You're right. Utah is overrated. By the way, you were one heck of an NFL linebacker.
  24. I've heard some rumors on the JoePa front, but nothing substantiated. A guy I know has a son who starts on the PSU offensive line and he overheard some stuff. Yeah, whatever. All I know is that the defense is as good as any team in the nation while the rest of the team reeks. Damn.
  25. OU had better tighten up their defense if they hope to win a championship. They're just a North Carolina/Miami-like performance away from not even being in contention. Their offense is rock solid, but they won't win the national championship with a defense that has all the talent in the world (I really like their linebacker, Clint Ingram; that guy is all over the field!!) that can't string together 4 consistent quarters of football. JoePa does have the right to leave on his own terms, I just hope he does right by the university. PSU has a great defense and absolutely nothing else. The offensive line is erratic, the play from the QB position is nowhere near what it should be (here's to hoping they give Morelli a few starts to see what he can do), the WRs just cannot catch the damn ball, and the special teams are not even close to being special.
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