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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. Not to go against you T80, but the big difference is that Green Bay OWNS the Packers, so there's no threat of them leaving any time soon. That said, they don't have to worry about playing certain players in order to 'fill up the stands'. The stands are full whether they're 16-0 or 0-16.
  2. There's a few good choices. I mentioned quite a few people I liked in another thread (I'll track it down and post a link), but I watched Alabama T Wesley Britt last weekend and he looked pretty good too. I think I'll add him to the list.
  3. I may continue "the tour" there next year. Last year, I hung out with KRC's Pa Bills Backer group, this year, it was the CNJBBB. Next year, I'll probably go either to NYC or to Va Beach.
  4. Whether people agree on certain players or not, it's still nice to see that more people realize the offensive line is and, to me, always has been a key issue needing to be addressed. I said this around the time of the NFL Draft this year AND last year, only to hear how we needed to get skill players more. I still feel that building a great offensive line, then a great defense, should be the top priorities and everything else should come once that is done.
  5. Not really. It has more to do with being able to evaluate players than where they're taken. You can draft good ones late, as some teams do, or bad ones late, as we seem to do. Same goes for earlier in the draft. We just don't seem to have a knack for evaluating offensive linemen regardless of where they're drafted.
  6. Yeah, the trip was fine. It took me just over 2 hours to get there and to get back. Like I said to tmk-nj, I probably won't do any more travelling until the home finale vs Pittsburgh. You're welcome to make the trip to Baltimore any time though. The pepper? Actually, I felt it more that night, which is why I didn't woof it down (took my time eating it).
  7. I don't know how the heck Joey was able to sleep with RICH sitting right next to him screming at the TV. I'm sure I'll be back up there again. I just don't think it will be this year. I'm going up to one more game (January 2nd, vs Pittsburgh) and I think that's it. I'll be watching the other 6 at home.
  8. It could have been worse. He could've led the team to a strip club, carried a loaded gun at an airport, or been involved in raping some coed.
  9. Actually, I really don't know much about him as I haven't watched any Louisville games this year. I missed their game against Miami, which they should have won. If they're on ESPN Game Plan or on one of the networks this week, I'll be sure to record their game.
  10. Georgia has been a disappointment to a lot of people, I'm sure. They were 3rd, I believe, in the preseason polls. Still, they're a good team.
  11. Yep. Things are pretty bad right now.
  12. We do have some talent on this team, but to make a blanket statement that talent is not the issue is false. We have the same personnel on this team and, with a better coach for the line in McNally, we still have not seen the kind of improvement that will carry this team to the level of a competitor. On the line, we have barely average players doing their best, which is............barely average. Teague has shown improvement this year and is probably playing the best out of the starting five this year, but he's nowhere close to being a Pro Bowl caliber lineman. What we need, especially in the interior of the OL, is indeed more talent. Not just guys with impressive workout numbers or nice guys who have impeccable character, but PLAYERS who can get it done on the field. Other teams can seem to find such players to man their offensive lines, why is it so difficult for the Bills?
  13. 86% 28 miles 346 seconds
  14. Like scribo said, I don't think Donahoe will get fired. That's unfortunate. Maybe he could bring in someone to consult with that is a better evaluator of talent than he and his staff seem to be.
  15. I've been wondering the same thing for the past few years, eyedog.
  16. Here's some pictures I took last weekend at "Bills Central", aka the home of richNjoisy and RevNJoisy. I had a great time, though it would've been better had the Bills not played so poorly.
  17. Best wishes to you, you fantasy football and football pool shark.
  18. While I agree that the line needs to be seriously addressed this offseason, I don't think using each and every pick on one position, ANY position, is the answer. Even still, this organization is not the best at evaluating talent anyway. We may end up with a whole draft of underachieving linemen.
  19. The true definition of comedy/tragedy.
  20. Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Sounds like someone is pretty 'desperate' at the barber's household. No apologies necessary, ABC.
  22. Given the choice of Polian or Donahoe, I'm sure many would rather have Polian. I know I would. At least he'd address the offensive line with a bit more effort than Donahoe.
  23. How'd the Chiefs do in those two outings? The Chiefs have to be alble to stop someone from scoring at some point, something they seem woefully unable to do.
  24. Week 10: 5-8 Overall: 69-57-4
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