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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. I'll Rosen Rico's party. He's somewhere in this area.
  2. You can find good food just about anywhere. There's no place that has all good or all bad food.
  3. I'm always more than willing to work the day after Thanksgiving. In fact, in the 8 years I've worked for SSA, I've never taken this day off. The day is usually very easy, with very little interviewing to do and no appointments scheduled. I save my vacation time for the off peak time. My next week off will be in February.
  4. It was Pittsburgh's special teams that were their undoing that day, Sue.
  5. I can learn.
  6. Plus, they're HUGE, compared to other places. Now I'm hungry for a salad from Wendy's. Too bad I brought leftovers to work like everyone else did, I'm sure.
  7. Yep. I had that one a few times. Nice.
  8. Okay, I'll tone it down a bit. I know I can be a bit crazy at times.
  9. I still prefer the Wendy's salads. They're tasty!
  10. Those salads in a cup, you mean? They look like crap. My wife was telling me that the grilled chicken sandwich has a ton of sugar in it. I guess they use some sort of glaze on the chicken or something like that. Hey, it's still better than their crappy burgers.
  11. So what if everyone's crazy? If you don't like it, look into your gray cell file on "how to ignore" their craziness. GET OVER IT!! BTW, Bills win in a close battle 467-5.
  12. Mmmmm.........I'll have the grilled chicken and a filet o fish. That's about all I can stand from that place.
  13. Awwww JP-era, you're welcome to dine with me. You will cover the check, right?
  14. You big meanie!
  15. Troy Aikman never won the Hypeman, I mean, Heisman. That's probably why he did win 3 Super Bowls.
  16. Who cares if he wants to leave! I root for the Buffalo Bills, not the Eric Moulds team. If he wants to stay, that's great. He's got a good thing going here, so it would be nice if he stays. If not, bye bye!
  17. That Monday Night Football game from a few years ago that was all FGs was worse.
  18. Go back to bed, ICE.
  19. Hey you! Yeah you, the people bickering about Bledsoe...
  20. I wholeheartedly agree. I haven't seen a better QB than Unitas and that includes Elway, Montana, Marino, Kelly, and Favre.
  21. I'm bored too. I'd like to go have a beer. Now.
  22. Now, now children-play nice!
  23. My wife has worked retail since we met 17 years ago. This is the start of a horrible time for her work-wise.
  24. If you're referring to "Heavy Artillery", then I have to agree. That team just sucks this year. And I ended up 3rd last year (regular season; 4th after a playoff game). Man, that team is awful. Oh well, I'm in 2nd in 3 other leagues, 3rd in 2 or 3 more, and at least in playoff contention in all but 2 leagues.
  25. Nope, you weren't the only one. I still have that first season on VHS, as I taped the episodes weekly. Mary McCormick? Yethhhh, she wathhhh very nithhhh.
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