Three things I remember about that (leading up to the strike):
1. Some pitcher (forgot who) being taken out of a game giving the finger (both hands) to the fans all the way to the dugout.
2. Some player (again, forgot who) saying something to the effect of, "I don't care about the fans..." in a postgame press conference when asked about fan reaction to whatever incident he was involved in that day.
3. The team I rooted for, the Montreal Expos, had the best record in the major leagues leading up to that strike, ruining any chance they ever had at getting to the World Series.
The signs were there for me. I'm perfectly fine with pro and college football, college basketball, and even the occasional pro basketball game, though I'm losing interest in that too, especially with the level of immaturity in the players and with the recent trade my team, the Houston Rockets, made to acquire Tracy McGrady at the expense of Cuttino Mobley and one of my favorite players, Steve Francis.