Penn State, a superiority complex? Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! Yeah, it must be those 3 unbeaten/untied seasons they've had that were rewarded with a national championship............NOT!!! Actually, the feeling among Penn State fans is that for whatever reason, the NCAA has something against them. Again, I point to those 3 seasons. There isn't another university that I can think of that had 3 unbeaten/untied seasons and didn't at least get a share of the national title, if not the whole thing outright.
Penn State's program is in shambles for the same reason Notre Dame can't get over the hump: recruiting. PSU knows this, ND doesn't seem to. It isn't too late for either team, but both must face harsh realities before they can move on. PSU is still struggling with the JoePa issue: is it time for him to go? Will he retire, or be 'forced out' (not gonna happen)? That is a big problem in terms of recruiting, even with the extension he signed. They did have a good recruiting year last year, and the early word is that they've snared a couple blue chippers already, but there's a truckload of work to do.
Notre Dame MUST begin to aggressively recruit to compete for a national title. They cannot wait for propsects to come to them anymore. It's been this lack of solid recruiting that has helped to land them where they are, with a team that works hard, but doesn't have a wealth of talent. It's like the movie "Blue Chips". Nick Nolte's team worked their tails off for them, but could only do so much with the talent they had. They were good, but not good enough. The Irish have some of that going for them now. Of course, they do have a tough schedule and all too. That can not be ingnred. Still, if they actively recruit prospects and sell them on the positives of Notre Dame, they will get more talent in. They just can't afford to wait much longer. With the major conferences being on TV so much and with packages like the ESPN Game Plan (which I've had since 2001; it's great for those who love college football as I do!!), having the exclusive TV contract is not such a huge drawing factor any more. I did end my post by saying I feel they'll get back there. They just need to realize that there's work to do and 'work' does not mean wait for players to come to you.