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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. Wishful thinking.
  2. That might work. Terrell Davis does get on my nerves. I wouldn't mind hitting him.
  3. Nice schedule recap:
  4. I found out watching Monday Night Football, like tons of others, I suppose. Very bizarre to hear Howard Cosell break the news of John Lennon's death and not ABC News.
  5. Deal. I'll pay for lapdances........for my wife.
  6. Good thing you're you (stevestojan) and not him (taterhill).
  7. Updates? Well, Geoff McArthur is out for Cal's bowl game (again), so Lyman could get a shot. Moats didn't impress me in the La Tech-Boise State game, but he's still a very promising RB. I still have a huge stack of tapes of college games to go through between now and draft time, so I'll be plenty busy.
  8. I'll go with you......if you pay for everything, including beer (Mmmmm......beeeeeeer!!!).
  9. You mean the Saints won when he was there?
  10. It's worth about $0.12, I'd guess.
  11. Waaaay too early to start talking trash about ANY college basketball team.
  12. I was at the Halloween game and it was great! It certainly was a better game to watch than the opener was (I was there as well). I'm hoping the Steelers game is the best Bills game of the season (I'll be there, too).
  13. I'm not like that..................anymore.
  14. No. This is a "look at spidey" post.
  15. Nah. I'm not worthy of a fan club anyway.
  16. ...and nobody digs up any of my old posts or forms a fan club or any of that other crap. Thank God!!
  17. How 'bout Secretary of Bear instead?
  18. It's not surprising. It is awful though. I think everyone knows that Cal got screwed badly in this. Texas in the Rose Bowl? Give me a break. How much integrity can they say they have if a group of coaches can conspire to alter the rankings?
  19. Actually, Petrino is a good candidate to look into. He's coached in both college and the pros and has done well. I'm glad he's staying at Louisville. They're a few defensive playmakers away from really making things interesting. Their offense, his specialty, is outstanding.
  20. And Roy hasn't even begun to recruit yet! He's still dealing with prima donnas (good players though) like McCants. Once he gets "his guys" into the program, watch out.
  21. I'm fairly confident that Archie will "never win a damn game".
  22. My bad. It appears he did mention something about it ("Poll Options").
  23. You mean to tell me Scott didn't put anything about how to use the poll feature in the FAQ? You're slipping, SDS.
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