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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. Yep. How else would I know what a clown looks like? Of course! Anyway, I just don't think the Bush daughters are attractive. I didn't know that caused a person to lose their sight and masturbate. But, then again, George W. has some powerful friends. Maybe they're to blame for this....
  2. My avatar is still the best.
  3. I think Jenna Bush looks a lot like her mother. That's no glowing compliment, since she looks like a clown.
  4. Tim Burton ruined Batman? His were the only versions that tried to stay true to the late Bob Kane's original Detective Comics version of Batman. Those who were looking for Adam West were disappointed, I guess. Now, I thought Joel Schumacher destroyed the franchise with his brighter, campier versions (Batman Forever and the atrocious Batman and Robin, the only one I do not own in ANY format). I wonder how good Batman Forever would have been had someone else directed it and they were able to land Robin Williams as the Riddler instead of Jim Carrey. His Riddler sucked. He played it more like the Joker, which wasn't what I liked about the Riddler. If you've ever watched the animated Batman series, then you know how awesome the Riddler was. He wasn't silly and goofy at all.
  5. I was never that good in sports. I liked to cheer others on, though.
  6. You should've done that 12 million times.
  7. Not at all. Weis has certainly had his input in the Pats' recent success. However, there are many instances where Belichick has outcoached teams, such as last year's Monday night game against Denver (taking the safety late in the game and yet still coming up with the win), that make him so tough to coach against. Given that, I feel losing Belichick would hurt the success of the Patriots A LOT more than losing Weis. Belichick is a smart enough coach to prepare for Weis' departure, so Brady shouldn't have a significant dropoff, but you never know.
  8. Why? Is Belichick going there as his defensive coordinator?
  9. Go Huskies!!
  10. Here's some more for you all to chew on.
  11. Is it raining outside?
  12. Why did he take the Notre Dame job? I guess he beat out the competition.
  13. And, how did V-Coach fail us this time?
  14. Well damn, man! Why did you make us wait so long to post this? You know we were all anticipating this momentous occasion. Did any of you get any sleep last night, waiting for the rankings?
  15. Cincy's defensive front is very tough and aggressive, but they are also inconsistent. They do have a decent group of LBs that cover a lot of ground. I think their secondary can be beat over the top, good news for Lee Evans. Offensively, Rudi Johnson is running better than the beginning of the season and Chad Johnson also is having a nice finish to the season. I don't know how healthy their O-line is (I saw C RICH Braham go down last weekend, but I don't know his status), but if we can create some pressure with our defensive front (we need Schobel and Kelsay to be very active!), we should be able to hold our own against C. Johnson, Kelley Washington, and TJ Houshmandzadeh.
  16. I absolutely love it! The 2004 version is pretty good though too. The big difference in the 2005 version is how they made it tougher to pass the ball and to make razor sharp cuts with the RB. That makes the game much more realistic.
  17. Though I do like the ESPN game better than Madden, I can't just boycott EA Sports. ESPN and Madden are okay, but my favorite game is the NCAA football game!! Too bad Sega/ESPN won't make a college football game. I'm sure it would be a good one.
  18. Send one to me as well.
  19. Heck, I'm still waiting for Peter Jackson to do the remake of King Kong (the 1933 classic). It's been LONG delayed and I am really looking forward to it.
  20. Week 13: 9-4 Overall: 94-71-4 Week 14: 9-4 Overall: 103-75-4 Well, it's playoff time in my Yahoo! leagues, so here's where my teams stand to date: First Yahoo! ID (I have 4 IDs): Heavy Artillery (R. Rich's Buffalo Bills League) 3-11/10th out of 10/missed playoffs Total Chaos 9-4-1/3rd out of 10/in playoffs Double R's Demons 7-7/11th out of 20/????-only 1 team has clinched a playoff spot so far Absolut Power (Buffalo Bills Keeper League) 8-6/4th out of 10/in playoffs Second Yahoo! ID: FSP Assassins 8-5-1/4th out of 10/in playoffs Boiler Room Brawlers 10-4/1st out of 12/in playoffs Blunt Force Trauma 8-4-1/3rd out of 10/lost in 1st round of playoffs Third Yahoo! ID: Woy Yoy Yoy Yo Yo 10-3-1/4th out of 10/in playoffs R. Rich (TBD2) 9-5/3rd out of 10/in playoffs R. Rich (TBD) 7-7/6th out of 12/missed playoffs Hammer's Accountant 8-6/5th out of 10/missed playoffs Fourth Yahoo! ID: Soc E.O. Paths 7-7/5th out of 10/missed playoffs Toxic Shock Syndrome 8-6/4th out of 10/in playoffs
  21. I'm not sure, JinVA, but I'll check it out for you.
  22. Or, be born and raised in it?
  23. It could be worse. He could live in a state that doesn't permit the sale of alcohol in stores and has state controlled places to buy alcohol.
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