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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. Actually, Gavin, I liked Keaton's performances. In those first two movies, they portrayed Bruce Wayne as socially retarded and utterly dependent on his butler. The fundraiser scene at Wayne Manor in the first Batman movie shows this, as he's misplacing things all around the room like a little kid would and Alfred goes behind him cleaning up his messes. I thought he pulled that off well. Just as it would've been selling out to go campy ala the show from the 60s, it would've been just as bad to have someone play Bruce Wayne as some muscle bound do gooder. It just wasn't what Batman was. That's why I'm looking forward to seeing the next Batman movie, where they'll show him in the early stages of becoming Batman.
  2. C'mon, man. You're capable of better ones than that.
  3. With a side order of cyber courage, I see.
  4. It just so happened the two you posted links to were daughters of Democratic presidents as opposed to the topic of the thread, two daughters of a Republican president, eh?
  5. I caught a really nice deal at a game store while we were in Pittsburgh. I can't remember if it was EB Games or Game Stop, but I ended up getting 8 games for around $35, I think. That's how I was able to get the NFL 2k games from 02-04 as well as EA's NBA Live for 03, NBA Inside Drive for 03, and a couple college games. Speaking of which, why doesn't ESPN/Sega make a college football game anymore? I have the one w/ the Nebraska guy on the cover but I don't know which year it was for. They should make those again, because I love college football videogames! The EA Sports NCAA football games are incredible, even better then either ESPN's NFL or Madden.
  6. Good question. I didn't buy any of the Sega games until this year. I like ESPN 2k5 better than Madden '05 for many of the reasons Fezmid stated: it's the same old game with nothing new added to it. I went back and bought all the old Sega football games (for Xbox) and out of them, I really like the 2k3 w/Urlacher on the cover. I'm not really fond of the 2k2 (Moss). I haven't tried 2k4 (Warren Sapp) yet. Out of all the Madden games I have for Xbox, my favorite is still the first one: Madden '02. I don't really like the '03 version at all and '04 is okay, but nothing special.
  7. Wow. Sounds like your brother is quite the athlete. My brother was a natural when it came to track. He high jumped (holds our HS record at 7' and his college record at Miami of Ohio at 7'3 1/2") but also did the triple jump, the 400 meter dash, and ran anchor for our school's 4x400 relay team. Speaking of his triple jump, he took 2nd in the PA championships as a senior in that event. The guy who took first won the team title BY HIS SELF!!! He won the 100, 200, long jump, and triple jump titles and, by doing so, won the team title for his high school. He was the only member of his HS track team to even qualify for states that year! Those who have been in track may have heard of him: Leroy Burrell. He went on to hold the world record at 100 meters for a short while.
  8. I just find it amusing that it is ASSumed that if I don't find the Bush girls attractive that I must find the daughters of Democratic presidents attractive, because it's all about the political parties, I guess. It doesn't apply in my case. There is a forum here where it may apply, though...
  9. Yeah, that's it. I remember it being written in stone somewhere that you had to find the daughter of a president attractive. Can't put anything past you guys.
  10. We'll see. I would like to get down there once. For next year, I was debating going either to the VA Beach area (hear that, Campy?) or New York to hang with the Bills Backers and watch a game (I've visited one Bills Backers group each of the past 2 seasons). I'm leaning towards New York, but I'll eventually hit both.
  11. That sure is. Way to go!!!!
  12. I've heard conflicting stories on Deion's 40 times. Some say he ran a 4.29, others say it was a 4.19. Either way, it was blazing fast! The best 40 I ever ran was a 4.5, and I was a sprinter/hurdler for my track team! Running a 4.29 or a 4.19 is oustanding. I also heard that Herschel Walker supposedly ran a 4.2 once. In any event, with a 10.29 100 time, he wouldn't be able to compete at the Olympics. People have run that slow, but usually due to weather conditions or something like that. In optimum conditions, expect the top sprinters to run in the 9.9-9.8 range.
  13. JinVA, if you go, I might go, too.
  14. Maybe Haslett is Wayne Fontes???
  15. Or the 'extra pass', as Dean Smith would say. It works every time, but you don't score. Can't have that.
  16. Cool. As long as you haven't forgotten.
  17. Parcells is God-like, according to the experts. He can do what he wants.
  18. Don't give up. Just go overseas, where such fundamentals are better appreciated.
  19. Speaking of getting things in the mail...
  20. Too bad for New Orleans.
  21. Maybe he'd consider the Saints head coaching position, ASSuming they fire Haslett at the end of the season.
  22. I have no idea what the temparture is here in Baltimore, but I'm sure the locals are probably overreacting as well.
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