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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. But since wins vs losses is #s 1-99 in terms of importance...
  2. He's not blonde haired and blue eyed???
  3. How would I know?
  4. This sorta applies. Back in 1980, I asked my Mother for "something homemade" for Christmas. So, she made a collage with images symbolic of things I liked to do then or things that happened to me ("a late bus", since I had problems catching the school bus on time). I have had the collage ever since. About a year ago, I decided to get the collage framed. I had this done before she came over to visit. So, I showed her the framed collage that she had given me nearly 25 years ago. When she saw it, she started to cry. She couldn't believe I still had it! I'll neve get rid of it.
  5. I really love playing basketball now. Too bad I didn't when I was in high school. I played it all 4 years, but basically to stay in shape between football and track. Ever since graduating high school and getting away from the a**hole coaches I had then, I've grown to love the game. While in the Air Force stationed in Berlin, I played for our base basketball team and it was a great experience! I got to travel (played in Korea, Japan, England, Greece) and get paid, not to mention play hoops. It's just a great time. Your dad sounds like a real winner!
  6. Go Larry J!!!! I still have hope that he'll be "the one" to break the dreaded curse on Penn State RBs in the pros. We haven't had a good one since Curt Warner. Man, was he good! Injuries robbed him of a potentially great career.
  7. Disney Channel was one of the things my niece would watch repeatedly when she was younger. She watched that show when Martika was on (she had a 3 minute pop career) but before Jennifer Love Hewitt. Stacey Ferguson was the little one who was the tagalong. She's pretty nice looking now.
  8. Nice. Another track guy here; I like that. You hurdle? Highs or intermediates? Both? In college, I did just the highs (along with the high jump and sprints/relays) but in high school, I did both the highs and intermediates.
  9. She's come a long way from Kids Incorporated.
  10. Agreed. What do politicians have against good-looking spouses? Is it illegal or something?
  11. A sign of the apocalypse?
  12. Well, he did lose the last election, PastaJoe. Let people bask in the glory of.....................whatever glory they get out of that.
  13. I hear ya. They're all ugly, that's my point. I don't base attraction on someone's political party. Even Gore's daughters and Mondale's slutty daughter aren't all that.
  14. He was heading down that road, but I still held out hope that he'd get his stevestojan together. Oh well.
  15. I could go for a steak and some spinach right about now. Maybe even a baked potato, too.
  16. I know. I 'got it'. Seeing someone able to pick up the blitz and, more importantly, being able to get through the line of scrimmage (even when there's no chasm to run through) is nice. I like Travis a lot, I just wish he had a few of those 'little things', as you say.
  17. There's something out there that doesn't?
  18. Mmmmm................peeeeeeeeps!!!!!
  19. I have never tried to do anything other than go to a driving range and blast away or try putting. I don't think I'd be any good at golf. Then again, you never know until you try, I guess.
  20. The 'Charlie' remake looks to be another example of trying to get closer to the author's vision, like when they did that TV miniseries version of 'The Shining'. In regards to the Batman movie, I think they did about as accurate a Batman that they could and still cash in at the box office. The Detective Comics Batman is even darker and more violent than the Tim Burton movies, but then how do you sell that to younger audiences? I think it was a compromise with Burton and Bob Kane, who gave his seal of approval of it and even had a minor part in the first Batman movie. Kane got to see a darker version of Batman, unlike the 60's TV show that many remember and love (myself included, I admit) and Warner Bros. got a movie they could still sell to younger audiences, allowing for the merchandising cash cow to rake in the dough for everyone. I'll bet Jack Nicholson, who had that ridiculous percentage deal in lieu of a salary, was quite happy at how it turned out.
  21. Well, as Sir Clint of Eastwood always says, "Man's got to know his limitations".
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