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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. Stick around for the blockbuster announcement, John. I hear we've worked out deals to bring Orlando Pace, Walter Jones, Mike Wahle, Troy Brown, LJ Shelton, Edgerrin James, Ty Law, and Matt Hasselbeck here by midnight.
  2. Cool! We won't go 0-16, then.
  3. We have better things to do than bicker about race.................at least for today. What about this? Is the T-Bone filter still working? I just used it, so I guess it does.
  4. Why? We'll be just as doomed in '06, won't we?
  5. That may have been some bogus report sent out by Rosenhaus on McGahee's behalf. As far as I know, he didn't run a 4.2 at any workout.
  6. See, there's the difference between you and I. I don't get involved in the whole Bledsoe mess, but I do recognize that people can and will post about it. It may not be okay for me, but it is for others, and I can live with that.
  7. Mmmmmm...............beeeeeeeeeeer!!!!!! I wonder if G. Host would start posting over here again if we got Baas. I realize it's not Guinness, but still...
  8. He should be an outstanding pro. Both he and Cadillac were great at Auburn. This is turning out to be a really nice group of RBs this year.
  9. Actually, I do still post here. Not that anyone would notice, as I'm not bitching and whining about Bledsoe.
  10. Yes. David Milch, who was the head writer, is from Buffalo. He now is the creator/executive producer for the HBO series Deadwood, which is pretty good.
  11. Let's think of some more people who no longer post on the Wall that we can discuss.
  12. My wife calls it "the Osbournes w/handcuffs".
  13. There's always been rumors surrounding Hill Street and the references (or perceived references) to Buffalo. Actually, the scenes of the precinct were shot in Chicago.
  14. Or, like the Bills w/McGahee, someone will benefit from getting him. I'm not saying Clarrett will or won't be a good NFL player, but the possibility exists for him to end up either way. To automatically ASSume he'll fail is to ignore the possibility that he'll do well. Personally, I hope he does fail, as he really doesn't seem to appreciate his talents. But, I realize that there's a chance he will be a good player.
  15. What, you guys don't eat salads?
  16. You're fun at a tailgate. I like that tomato salad that LancasterSteve made for last year. Mmmmmm..........tomato salad!!!
  17. The Shield is a very good show! I have season one on DVD and plan to get the other 2 as well (videotaped seasons 2 and 3).
  18. I think I heard this story before. Numerous times. Are you the type of person that holds grudges for centuries and needs to some day seek therapy?
  19. Hahahahahaha!!!!!! To his credit, he admitted that he didn't take care of business and that he needs to do better. He'd better hurry; he's running (slowly?) out of chances.
  20. Who said Henry Simmons was "in the same league" with Dennis Franz???? All I said was that in the interrogations, he's good. He's very intimidating and can get what they need out of a suspect. I made no mention of him being, as an actor, on par with Franz. That would be incorrect. I liked the tormented Sorenson too, but didn't like how they left things unersolved with him. I attribute a lot of that to head writer David Milch leaving the show and the other writers 'losing their way' for a while. Charlotte Ross was very good on the show, and it sucks not having her on there. The problem was with her marrying Andy and becoming a mother, they'd painted her character into a corner that would've been difficult to come out of. I do agree that it is a great drama, but not the best ever. It's not even Bochco's best ever, as that distinction has to go to my all-time favorite TV show, the one that laid the groundwork for many shows that followed (including Blue): Hill Street Blues. It redefined TV dramas.
  21. My wife loves Monk and tivos it every Friday night, PastaJoe. I've watched a few episodes and I do think it's a good show.
  22. Those uniforms don't look that bad, Udonkey. They're certainly better than the ones they have now.
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