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R. Rich

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Everything posted by R. Rich

  1. I guess this could be mistaken for a football related post.
  2. As of yet, teams don't put the same emphasis on guards and centers in the first round that they do tackles. Good ones, very good ones, can be found in round 2. Actually, most of the guards and centers will be taken after the first round. But, I do think that there will be a few guards taken in the 2nd, possibly before we pick. Even still, there will be a good interior OL available when our pick comes up.
  3. I'll be more interested to see how we do in this year's draft. There's a lot of good talent at the interior OL positions, and I sure hope we end up with a couple good ones.
  4. Happy birthday, Lew. Enjoy.
  5. I remember when Sling Blade came out and Roger Ebert's review called it arguably the best film of all time. It's close. Very good monologue. So, why was it that the lawnmower wouldn't work right?
  6. I don't think I can make it. I will be in the area around the time of the draft, though.
  7. Oh. I get it. I get jokes.
  8. A sad misspelling, indeed.
  9. When was the =RJ fad ever funny?
  10. 1499.74m I still suck at this game, but it is kinda fun.
  11. I've often been told I need to develop a sense of humor. I'll work on that. I'm glad you were just kidding.
  12. ...said the light switch?
  13. You're right. I shouldn't be suggestioning such things. BTW, you shouldn't hate.
  14. That line is hysterical, especially since the "dragon master" thought he could spar w/Triumph.
  15. D'oh!! Up to 1463.63m now. Thanks.
  16. I'm up to a whopping 459.45m now.
  17. 1. I wasn't really into Conan's show much. I started watching it in bits and pieces when my brother told me about Pimpbot. 2. Feel free to post the message again over in the fantasty football forum. It can be used for any fantasy sports. There's a fantasy baseball post on there also.
  18. I think a lot will depend on how dedicated the team is to building a solid offensive line. Even with Losman's mobility being better than Bledsoe's, he still will need good pass protection and we still will need to be able to run the ball between the tackles. Now, if our line is solid, with the abilities Losman does have, we could be in great shape.
  19. Damn. Slow day in Hell, I suppose. He needs souls that bad???
  20. It's awesome. There's too many good lines to mention!
  21. It's in reference to this gem from yesterday:
  22. Into the IRDGAFWYT file you go!
  23. That was the gift that keeps on giving, man. I think I've watched it about 30 times since yesterday.
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