Yeah, it does. He's one heck of a reporter. He's been offered jobs in other places before, but he says he won't leave until he gets an offer that will allow him to do the kind of work he's doing now. He's not leaving just to go to a larger paper and start over.
I don't think broadcast journalism is something he's ever going to be into. I could be wrong, but he's never really looked too kindly on TV and radio news.
My brother and a co-worker have won 2nd place in a national news award competition. I know I'm not the wordsmith he is, but I did put a new entry into my blog about it. Well done!
National Headliner Awards link (their award is listed under "Investigative Reporting")
Inspired by. The last one was really good; it was the author's take on what might happen in Episode 3.
Sure, I'll read yours. Although I normally read a lot of nonfiction, I do like to read just about anything that's well written. I'll give it a shot.
Bruschi has to deal w/a hole in his heart and a stroke while TMEP gets to continue his "search for the real killers" at golf courses in Florida???
Alcohol and old age. What a combo. That wouldn't have been a problem 10 years and 100 lbs ago. Oh well. The damage was minor (had a limp for about 5-6 days).
Unfortunately, yes.
How bad was it? Well, I still believed that, at 6-6 and 330lbs, I could hop over the fence in front of Duff's in Orchard Park (the one surrounding the outside bar). I was close, but...
If the Bills do something to move up to the beginning of the 2nd round, they'd be in position to get Baas. Otherwise, I (unfortunately) don't see him falling to us.