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Everything posted by K-9

  1. He’s certainly more than capable, but he will be handicapped a few times along the way by crappy weather games that just won’t allow lots of passing yards. It’s just a fact of life playing in the northeast during fall and winter.
  2. If that was the turning point, then the turning point to the turning point was 3rd and 13 from the Bills’ one yard line. That play demonstrated nearly everything that makes Allen exceptional as a QB. I hope Cian Fahey was watching. System QB my ass.
  3. Jones is another on a list of great DTs we’ve played this season. Donald, Simmons, Campbell, Heyward and now Jones. I know everyone has a plan until they’re punched in the mouth, but given how we’ve pretty much neutralized several of the best DTs in the game this season, I’m thinking we’ve got a plan for Jones as well.
  4. That was the difference in the game and I see it as both a good and bad thing. Obviously bad because he killed us with his legs, but good because that indicated good coverage in the secondary as well. I’m with you on this. If we get the same level of decent coverage in the secondary (which we also had in last year’s regular season game, btw) and the D line contains him better, I like our chances.
  5. I understand Cian Fahey has an endorsement deal.
  6. McDermis? Is that the new skin care product from Ireland?
  7. He caught a TD pass in the 2020 game at New Era.
  8. Ask some people that ever worked for him at any one of his enterprises and they’ll tell you he was a grade A prick. Also, he’s a self entitled A hole who thinks the rules don’t apply to him like when he cleared a hundred some odd trees from government owned property for the sole purpose of a better view of the Potomac river from his house in Maryland.
  9. Both had herniated discs in their necks so yeah, it’s nearly identical. The 6-9 month recovery time suggests he had the fusion procedure to repair it vs the disc replacement Eichel opted for which has a much shorter recovery period.
  10. According to PFF, and we need to take everything they report with a mountain of salt, thru the first four weeks of the season, we only played man an average of 8% of the time, with a low of 6% vs the Rams and a high of 30% against the Ravens. https://www.pff.com/news/week-4-man-and-zone-rates-week-5-coverage-predictions
  11. Regarding Lofton and Moss, they were also both legit sub 4.4 guys in in the 40 as well. True blazers on the field. It was almost unfair.
  12. Such a bang bang play. Hamlin was going into his tackling motion at almost the exact time Pickett went into his slide motion. Good non call. Plus, he didn’t come anywhere close to hitting Pickett’s head.
  13. I wasn’t aware of that and that can explain some things, so I’ll cut him some slack in that regard. But his decision making, like forcing the throws we saw on Thursday, aren’t related to his shoulder.
  14. Are you gonna start waving your Whammy Weenie?
  15. Hackett’s clock management, including use of timeouts, leaves a ton to be desired for sure. But the lion’s share of the blame for Denver’s problems rest with Russell Wilson. Hackett has been scheming guys open all season, but Wilson either can’t find them or misses them when he does. It’s been apparent in every game this season.
  16. Bills smacked them around pretty good in the Sunday nighter in 2020, though.
  17. Gilliam can and probably will be used in a TE role at times.
  18. Thursday night football is a joke; a poor product and an affront to the football gods and for all the reasons you cite here.
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